Date of search - xxxx

Common Name: Old Stone House
Owner: Margaret C. Holmes
Street Address: 1282 Main Street


Vermont Division for Historic Preservation Ref - 604_044_099

COMMON NAME: Old Stone House


Possibly the oldest structure in the town, built by the Hessian Revolutionary soldier and stonemason, George Magers, who also built two other solid stone structures in Fairfax (604-22, 604-38).  This structure, at the northwest end of the village is the finest of the three, and in the best condition, though the interior has been gutted and altered.  The structure was built for Joseph Beeman in c. 1795 and sold to Joseph Grout in 1814.  At one time the building is reputed to have been an inn.  1 1/2-story, 5 x 2 bays, stone structure w/a wide plain narrow overhang, and short cornice returns.  The unadorned central entrance is recessed  1 1/2 feet.  The right interior end chimney has a corbelled cap and has been reworked.  The corner stones and lintels atre massive.  Windows on the first floor are 12/12 in plain surrounds.  On the eaves side there are narrow horizontal eyebrow windows.  On the gable ends their eaves side are four second floor windows:  two 12/12 flanked by shorter and narrower 9-light windows.  Immediately behind the house, there is a 1 1/2 story, frame constructed, gable-roofed barn w/a shed extension.  Clapboard and vertical plank siding.

 <!-- Row 1 Column 1 -->DATE<!-- Row 1 Column 2 -->

GRANTOR TO GRANTEE<!-- Row 1 Column 3 -->

BOOK<!-- Row 1 Column 4 -->


30 Dec 1980

W.D...Yvan R. & Marie R. Langelier to Margaret C. Holmes....lot size is 172' x 128' x 160' x 159' more or less.....



03 Aug 1973<!-- Row 3 Column 1 -->

Helen R. Walker to Yvan R. and Marie P. Langelier...W.D...Being a lot of land with buildings thereon situated.......



26 Apr 1954<!-- Row 4 Column 1 -->

Floyd T. & Vera W. Potter to Helen R. Walker..W.D...Same description as above..............



07 Aug 1944<!-- Row 5 Column 1 -->

Etta M. Brush to Floyd T. and Vera W. Potter.W.D...Parcel #1 a lot of land containing 27 acres more or less with the buildings thereon and lying on the westerly side of the highway leading from Fairfax Village to St. Albans....



12 Aug 1921<!-- Row 6 Column 1 -->

Nellie B. & Henry I. Goodsell to S. Warner and Etta M. Brush..27 acres more or less with dwelling house and out buildings thereon standing.....



23 Jul 1921<!-- Row 7 Column 1 -->

Walter S. Judd, Administrator of Estate of Lewis Story and Walter B. Story to Nellie B. Goodsell...Administrator's Deed...Same description as above......




23 Mar 1885<!-- Row 8 Column 1 -->

Euzebe White to Lewis Story..W.D..Being all and the same land and premises with bguildings thereon standing..containing 27 acres of land be the same more or less...



30 Mar 1875

Hiram & Crista Bishop to Euzebe White.....Meaning to convey all the land and premises with the buildings thereon standing that was conveyed to me by C. G. Shepard by W.D...dated February 9, 1866, except the land heretofore sold off by me to M. M. Hotchkiss, Horace L. Hall, and land taken for highway.leaving 27 acres more or less......



09 Feb 1866<!-- Row 10 Column 1 -->

Clio G. Shepard to Hiram Bishop.W.D...Being about 34 1/2 acres of land be the same more or less together with the buildings thereon standing, and is the same land and premises heretofore set out to me as my share of the estate of my late father, Josiah Grout..........



09 Jan 1853<!-- Row 11 Column 1 -->

Josiah Grout died January 9, 1853 at 81 years of age and left the house to his daughter, Clio Grout Shepard



Researched By: ????
Date: February 1975