Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Political Issues/Comments => Topic started by: Barbara on October 06, 2010, 10:52:09 AM

Title: quality candidates
Post by: Barbara on October 06, 2010, 10:52:09 AM
 We are fortunate here in Fairfax and Georgia to have two intelligent and responsive people representing us in Montpelier.  Gary Gilbert and Carolyn Branagan have been a wonderful team for the last several years and are hitting their stride in the work they do for us there.  Voting for a candidate just because they are the incumbent is foolish, but the reverse is true too.  Not voting back individuals who are so capable and willing to speak for their constituents is foolhardy.  Many of us hold differing opinions on the issues that are debated and legislated by our representatives.  Gary and Carolyn also  speak from differing perspectives but they do so with their minds open to what our concerns are here at home.  Both of them are connected throughout the session with us, their constituents, not just at election time.  They are working to help juggle the needs of our communities and the cost of meeting them.  Let's send them back to keep up the good work.
Barbara Murphy
Title: Re: quality candidates
Post by: rod anode on October 06, 2010, 04:46:33 PM
your right barb if you like paying high taxes and big government and more red tape then vote democrate if you hate high taxes then vote republican
Title: Re: quality candidates
Post by: Barbara on October 06, 2010, 05:08:55 PM
I have got to disagree with your simplistic voting advice.  If you want to be involved in your own government than get to know the candidates and vote based on how they will represent everyone they represent, not just those that they get to vote for them. 
Title: Re: quality candidates
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on October 07, 2010, 05:29:34 PM
I think it is important that we maintain a level of civility on this forum when politics--or anything that smacks of controversy--is discussed.  Many many people read these comments; let us represent ourselves and our community with sensibility, humor and respect. 
Title: Re: quality candidates
Post by: petefitz on October 08, 2010, 09:06:06 PM
Looking at Carolyn and Gary's voting records, I would have to say rod anode's analysis is spot on.  And done with tongue in cheek humor.  There is nothing wrong with wanting higher taxes.  If that's your view, it's not an insult to point that out.  There are consequences to any position you take but that's a whole position paper. 

Both Carolyn and Gary listen to the voters and vote their principles.  That's OK, we're not a strict democracy but a democratic republic.  I'm certain that Chris and Bob would do the same if elected.  I'll support the candidates that most closely align with my principles.  For me, in this race, it's Carolyn and Chris.   But thanks for all for putting your hat in the ring, it's a lot of work and I respect all of you for your efforts. 
Title: Re: quality candidates
Post by: slpott on October 09, 2010, 08:14:36 AM
I also think Carloyn and Chris will do great things. I can't wait. It is nice to know that as a community we will be well represented and informed.  Thank you both for all you do.
Title: Re: quality candidates
Post by: j_gluck on October 11, 2010, 08:42:16 PM
I fully support Gary and find this conversation confusing.

I don't think you can say that Democrats always raise taxes and Republicans cut them. Even Jim Douglas has signed budgets that raised taxes. I don't know all of Carolyn's voting record, but my guess is that when the Republicans controlled the Legislature and Governor's office she voted for a budget that included tax increases.

I think it is fair to say that Democrats believe that there is a place for government to make a difference for the people. Earlier there was a post on this forum thanking Jim Douglas for their DSL service. I had to chuckle. The ARRA funds provided that DSL service, not Jim Douglas. If it were up to Jim we would still be waiting for private enterprise to wire the last mile. Private companies won't do this - why do you think Verizon left New England? It wasn't a profitable venture for them. Without the ARRA funding, we would be nowhere near having the coverage that we have now. Several of the democratic nominees for governor suggested that Vermont use its bonding capacity to create a public-private partnership to make good on Jim's promise of an e-state by 2010.

If you want to support Chris and Carolyn that is your choice, but please stick to the facts.