Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on October 20, 2010, 09:52:14 AM

Title: A Special Thanks To Ede & Ellie From The Seniors
Post by: Henry on October 20, 2010, 09:52:14 AM
Yesterday’s Senior Luncheon was great again, thanks to our two volunteers, Ede Kirkpatrick and Ellie Galloway.

The main entry was Shepard’s Pie along with Cottage Cheese.  In addition, some members of Annette Koch’s family made Apple Crisp for everyone for dessert.

Our squash for the meal was provided by The Stewart Family on Hunt Street.

I believe, the last count I had was 43 for the luncheon.

Ede Kirkpatrick and Ellie Galloway are to be congratulated for their volunteer efforts in providing the Senior Luncheons on the first & third Tuesdays of the month.  People have donated food and the rest is bought by the seniors, which is then prepared by Ede & Ellie, or some other volunteers in the community

Other volunteers have come in the help them from time to time.  This is indeed a tremendous gesture by them.

Joel Gluck had put up a note on my forum for people to donate additional fruits and veggies.  Chapin Orchard, I believe donated some apples to us.

I will try and get some photos of our volunteers.