Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on October 22, 2010, 07:44:10 AM

Title: Rain, Snow & Hail Last Night Around 4 PM
Post by: Henry on October 22, 2010, 07:44:10 AM
I was just getting ready to go up to the Baked Ham Dinner up at The Binghamville United Church last night when I looked out and could see some fine snow pellets or hail falling on my blacktop.  As I got ready to leave it then turned into a downpour, but fortunately just as I drove into Binghamville it stopped.

The end of another great group of Binghamville United Church Dinners until next June.  These people do an absolutely fantastic job.  I so enjoy going up there as everytime I do, I meet some old face from the past.  Last night, it was Bobby Perry, who is my age.  Bob's mother remarried Leno Weatherby after his father died and was living up in Binghamville in my younger years.  Mildred Warren pointed him out to me, so I went over and said "Hi."

My memory for names has failed a lot, but once someone gives me the name, a lot of memories come back.

I sure wish I knew how to make that brown gravy they make up there at the dinner.  I could actually make a meal on just the baked ham, mashed potatoes and brown gravy.  Yummy!!  Yummy!!  Yummy!!

I will be looking forward to next June.