Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: MikeF9 on October 25, 2010, 10:28:58 PM

Title: Three Dates in Fairfax History
Post by: MikeF9 on October 25, 2010, 10:28:58 PM
Many, many apologies for not keeping this updated. I missed an important one and thought I'd combine it with two others because they are close in dates.

October 15, 1973 The Fairfax Community Library opened it's doors for the first time. The library was a combination town and school library, and the first of it's kind in the state.

October 25, 2008 The last football game was played at McNall Field, located on McNall Road. All youth football Patriots games and high school Bullets games are now played on the Rec Field.
Speaking of Patriots......

October 26, 2002 The Fairfax Patriots Youth Football was organized.
Title: Re: Three Dates in Fairfax History
Post by: Dick Brown on October 27, 2010, 06:39:00 AM
Mike ....As one of BFA's employees working within the construction of that 1973 addition , I remember the ingenuity of Marnie Kneeland and  the Fairfax Community Library crew as they tried to provide services to the teachers and students ( and townspeople ), in spite of not having shelves for storing books, or the other features that one expects to find when using a facility of this type.......particularly when one considers that this time period covered the first weeks of their existence as a Community Library.......and when one also considers that each school day students ( and staff )were constantly going down the middle of the library on their way to lunch, PE , music , wherever , providing another challenge to the day.  That they succeeded to the point of what we have today is a testimony to the early efforts of not only that group of library employees but also to the students, staff and townspeople for positive support and cooperation with what was taking place. Can you imagine the chaos ? Yet it worked for which modern day Fairfax can be very thankful and proud.  Thanks for noting the date.