Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 01, 2010, 12:02:51 PM

Title: Library News
Post by: Henry on November 01, 2010, 12:02:51 PM
New services at the Fairfax Community Library!

Free wi-fi service.  Stop by the desk for the password (changes periodically).

Find us on Facebook as Fairfax Community Library for updates on new books, events, and more.

Coming in November:  ebooks on Listen Up Vermont. Login with your current library card number preceded by a P for Free downloads of digital books compatible with many eReaders such as Nook and Sony.

Survey item:
The library would like to know how we can best serve the community during school vacations and/or summer.  Would you prefer the library be open: 8:00 – 3:15  OR  10:00 – 5:15 ?

 On Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

(Currently and in the past the hours have been MWF 8:00 - 3:15 & T/TH 8:00 - 8:00 & SAT 9-12.

Please call or email the library with your input, or stop by and fill out a slip at the desk.

Thank you!

Debbie Landauer, Town Librarian
Fairfax Community Library
75 Hunt St.
Fairfax, VT 05454
(802) 849-2420
library.bfafairfax.com (http://library.bfafairfax.com)
Library Hours:  M, W, F 8:00 - 3:15,  T & TH 8:00 - 8:00, SAT 9 - 12
My hours:  M - W 9:00 - 3:30, TH 11 - 8
Title: Re: Library News
Post by: mirjo on November 01, 2010, 10:44:44 PM
Does this mean the library will no longer be open in the evening? The wording implies there are two choices for school vacations & summer either the current school day schedule or modified to a late morning opening or a more condensed option to three days a week.

I'm curious as to the reason for this decrease in hours: Is there a need to cut costs, there fore library hours, a lack of volunteers to keep it open the hours it has been? Lack of use? There must be a reason behind the changes being proposed.

If the library isn't utilized in the evening hours or on Saturday morning enough to make it worth while to have it open, then it seems wise to not have it open. If there isn't anyone available to cover those hours, that also poses a problem, if it's finances, again makes sense. I think valid reasons should be stated up front. The library is a valuable resource and any time I'm there I see a number of people come through the door. If the minimal hours it's open when school is out  need to be decreased for some reason, I think the those reasons should be made public along with the options given, because what if the public wants the status quo and it's no longer a possiblity?
Title: Re: Library News
Post by: ASDuling on November 02, 2010, 06:04:58 AM
I didn't read it like that at all. I think she's just asking about shifting the hours 2 hours on Mon, Wed, and Friday and keep the rest of the hours the same. I didn't see any cuts proposed.

If that is the case, personally, I like having the library open early in the summer. We tend to get out and about pretty early during the summer so it's nice to have the library available when we're in town.

Great news about the Wi-fi!
Title: Re: Library News
Post by: David Shea on November 02, 2010, 07:07:26 AM
I am not positive about this, but I think the reason may be that the VT Dept of Education has asked schools to level fund this year.  What this means for BFA is that $400,000.00 in cuts have to be made.  If my memory serves me correctly, this means that the library was asked to cut staffing levels.
Title: Re: Library News
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on November 02, 2010, 07:25:19 AM
The School library may  have to cut staff. Debbie is the Town Librarian and she is speaking in that capacity.  From my reading of the message she is interested in shifting hours during school vacation and summer, not reducing hours!  She is just trying to determine which hour would be preferable to most library users..
Title: Re: Library News
Post by: Suzy on November 02, 2010, 08:33:53 AM
I work at the Teton County Library in Jackson, WY, and we've had to cut our weekend hours, and staff has been told to reduce hours.  None of us has had a step increase in pay for the past two years, and we have nine positions open that we haven't refilled.  The county has a hiring freeze.  So, we're all doing more work, with less time.  I still feel lucky to have a job at an awesome library, but the economy is just not what it was here, (as well as there.) 

Wishing you all the best, and hope for a brighter economic future!
(PS, I'd vote for earlier in the day on weekends, even if I'm not there to participate.  By the afternoon, hopefully everyone's cooling off in a lake, pond, or river!) 

Oh Summer.....come back!

Title: Re: Library News
Post by: mirjo on November 02, 2010, 08:15:03 PM
I think I  did read it incorrectly, now that you've pointed it out to me! It was quite late and though I looked at it several times, it continually registered in my mind  as a change in the hours to only MWF. As I look at it now, with everyone else's input, I see that it is likely just a change of the MWF hours--but still it's not 100% clear, since it can be taken two different ways.

Thanks to all for the different perspective! :-)
Title: Re: Library News
Post by: Fairfax Librarian on November 03, 2010, 08:37:56 AM
Hello from your new town librarian and sorry about the confusion.  The question we are asking is only about changing the distribution of our open hours when school is not in session.  There are no proposed cuts to the hours the library is open.  This is not related in any way to the school budget cuts being proposed. 

Many public libraries open at 9 or 10 in the morning  and offer more afternoon/evening hours than we currently do.  Our history as a combined library is no doubt the reason for our current schedule.  My goal with this mini-survey is to try and find out if a majority of people would prefer to keep our current hours or have the library open later in the morning and later in the afternoon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday WHEN SCHOOL IS CLOSED.  We are already open 8:00 am to 8:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursday and that will not change.
Again, this change would not impact our budget or the number of staff hours the town pays for.
So, would you prefer:
M, W, F 8:00-3:15 or
M, W, F 10:00-5:15
with T, Th & SAT remaining unchanged.
Would you like the hours changed during school vacations, summer or both?  Or are you happy with the current schedule year round?

Our current hours are:
M, W, F 8:00 - 3:15
T, TH 8:00 - 8:00
Sat. 9:00 -12:00

You can call 849-2420, email to fairfaxlibrarian@gmail.com or stop by with your response, or any questions.

Thanks for your input!
Debbie Landauer, Town Librarian

Title: Re: Library News
Post by: mirjo on November 03, 2010, 09:11:55 AM
Thanks for clarifying Debbie and welcome to the town Library!