Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 03, 2010, 04:09:27 PM

Title: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: Henry on November 03, 2010, 04:09:27 PM
The Old Grange Hall is gone and the cement forms are up - Looks like a garage in the cellar:


Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: BCota on November 04, 2010, 07:13:00 AM
*Concrete* forms, Henry :) 

"cement" is just powder.  Flour is to Cake as Cement is to Concrete.

just a pet peeve of mine.
Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: msm on November 04, 2010, 09:26:41 AM


Good One - -- You made me smile at my laptop  ..... I, like Henry, do not always use correct term ,  I've been corrected on multiple occassions. 

I get it now  -- flour  == cement == powder    AND    cake == concrete ..

Thanks,  Mike M
Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: Henry on November 04, 2010, 10:27:21 AM
Just so you know Ben, I pay very little attention to these corrections - Back when I was younger, I would have really taken it all in, but as I get older, I think it may not be gramatically correct, but I suspect most people know what I meant, so I don't let it bother me.

If I tried to write down everything perfect and corrected all the little imperfections and mis-spellings in the posts on the forum, people would become so self conscious that they probably would stop posting and I don't want that to happen.  As long as we understand what everyone is trying to say, that is just fine with me.
Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: HayesFXFD17 on November 04, 2010, 10:53:39 AM
Thats too funny.  I am always explaining to my kids that those are not cement trucks we see on the road but rather concrete trucks. 
Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: mkr on November 04, 2010, 11:06:51 AM
Tomato's or Tomatoe's - I got what you meant.  :-) However, thanks to Ben's analogy, I will probably remember that now
Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: 7F24 on November 05, 2010, 05:44:41 AM
I thought those trucks were cement mixers.
Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: MikeF9 on November 05, 2010, 08:22:37 AM
I believe you are right, Tom. My brother, Carl, worked for S.T. Griswold for years, and I remember him saying that when he started out, he always "drove a mixer".
Title: Re: Let The Cementing Begin
Post by: Mike Raburn on November 05, 2010, 09:24:26 PM
Do your pour concrete or place concrete?
We pour.

Do you build forms or set forms?
We build.

Do you give a rats ass or give rats arse?