Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 12, 2010, 09:41:08 AM

Title: Sears Roebuck Breaks 124 Year Old Tradition
Post by: Henry on November 12, 2010, 09:41:08 AM
U.S. retailer Sears said it would break with tradition and open its doors for five hours on Thanksgiving Day, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Tuesday.

That would be a first for the retailer that is 124 years old, the newspaper said.

The store has already stretched the Black Friday shopping holiday by announcing in late October it would hold "Black Friday Now" sales days on Fridays and Saturdays until Christmas.

"Last year, customer response to our 'Black Friday Now' deals was overwhelmingly positive. Many were thrilled that they did not have to wait for holiday deals," said David Friedman, president of Sears Holdings Marketing in a release issued Oct.
Title: Re: Sears Roebuck Breaks 124 Year Old Tradition
Post by: MikeF9 on November 12, 2010, 11:38:23 PM
Let the opening of the floodgates begin.
Thanksgiving will be no more. Oh, maybe Thanksgiving will last until maybe 5pm, that's when they will open doors for special sales. Then everyone will be waiting in line starting around 9am.
I can see Wal-Mart having a deal like this: Stores open at 3pm. Bring the family and have a Thanksgiving tailgating party in the parking lot, while you are waiting. Wal-Mart will supply a Thanksgiving meal for, maybe $5. Turkey, potatoes, the works. People can stand in line and eat. Of course this means Wally World employees don't have a real Thanksgiving because they have to cook and serve, but who cares about employee inconvenience when there is money to be made.
Think of the money you can save by not having to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner! Money that you can then spend at Wal-Mart!!!

If this really happens, I GET CREDIT!!!!
Title: Re: Sears Roebuck Breaks 124 Year Old Tradition
Post by: Mike Raburn on November 13, 2010, 12:59:16 AM
It's the economy "stupid".

Obama made it "work".

The main stream media made it sound worse than 1929.
As a side note, I DO read, and them there DEMS make it sound bad.


Sorry for the thread jack, Henry.