Henry Raymond

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stand Alone Defense on November 15, 2010, 11:39:14 AM

Title: Land Trust?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on November 15, 2010, 11:39:14 AM
Anybody know the rule on your land when you sell it into land trust? I know it's open to the Public for hiking and recreation if it is in Land trust but can you post it to keep hunters out?
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: mary on November 16, 2010, 07:34:16 AM

Short answer: Property owners who sell conservation rights to the land trust do not need to allow any public access - for hunting or otherwise - although many choose to or even include public access language in the easement conveyed.   

You may want to check out the Vermont Land Trust's web site.   
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on November 17, 2010, 03:09:13 PM
Thanks Mary, I did check them out i was just wondering what strings come with the Tax breaks.
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on November 17, 2010, 08:15:39 PM
see that there is just plain wrong, if you get a huge tax break like that then the public should be allowed to use it in my opinion,just like a state park
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: mary on November 18, 2010, 06:12:59 PM
There are so many property, estate, transfer tax, gift tax and/or income tax consequences to anything you do with land and the rules change so often, who can tell with certainty what they will be tommorrow. And remember choosing to permanently sell/donate development rights to the Vermont Land Trust (set up as a non-profit organization) is a lot different than choosing to enroll land in the State of Vermont's Current Use program.   Hmmm, Ed, lots of people elect to homestead a house & 2 acres to get a tax break - think a public access requirement on this tax break could get a little dicey! A little courtesy and respect for one another will go a long way to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the land.                 

Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on November 19, 2010, 05:55:02 PM
well mary i feel that if school spending wasnt so out of control we wouldnt need programs like this
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: cedarman on November 23, 2010, 09:10:14 AM
If we didn't have programs like this, maybe more property would be developed, thereby increasing the taxable value of property across the state, and Maybe, just MAYBE keep the property tax rates a little lower.

Also, more development and more building might help reduce housing cost to a more reasonable and affordable level.

Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: al brodeur on November 23, 2010, 03:54:59 PM
more building and more devlopment will lead to more people, larger schools, more police and public services, ETC, it will never stop snoballing you can slow growth down but not stop as some would like to do.
because no matter what is done if there is the chance of money being made the regulations will be bypassed too
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: GamingWeasel on November 24, 2010, 09:41:01 AM
well mary i feel that if school spending wasnt so out of control we wouldnt need programs like this

That's the last thing that needs to be cut, lest future generations all become "dead form the neck up". ;)
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on November 24, 2010, 05:18:21 PM
weasel do you own property or do you rent?
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Mike Raburn on November 24, 2010, 11:29:23 PM
Land Trust?

This here Thanks-Giving do we REALLY need to discuss Land Trust?


Can't we all get along?
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: GamingWeasel on December 03, 2010, 04:53:13 PM
We own.  I am happy to have my tax dollars go to education. 

You should come up with a better argument, or you just look like a Scrooge. ;)
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on December 03, 2010, 05:38:49 PM
sorry i dont make 75000 a year i have to be a scrooge
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: GamingWeasel on December 04, 2010, 11:26:42 AM
I only make about half of that Rod.  Never had much money, probably never will.  But a decent education is one of the most important things for people to have access to, so I'm fine with being taxed for it.  What about you?
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Mike Raburn on December 04, 2010, 10:05:03 PM

Sorry to say this, but I agree with that Weasel.. sorta
My property taxes have it all broke down,
Police, Fire, and education.

An educated society is a healthy society, that said.....
The NEA is OUT of control!

They are so Liberal, I should say Left of Pelosi, it is silly.

The Anchorage Alaska School District has an 8 fricking million dollar budget on the table.
I am all for educating our citizens..... but come one.

A certain percentage of our people will not stay here... in Alaska.
They will go to UVM, Auburn, LSU, Bama, UCLA.... etc etc.

We need to suk it up and pray for our future leaders.
That makes it easier.... I think.

Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on December 06, 2010, 08:22:04 PM
weasel no im not fine with it ,are you originally from here weasel ? your kin ,how many generations? just wondering cause not that many years ago things were under control 80`s and things were affordable ,im just waiting for the older people to start getting kicked out of thier homes because they cant afford it anymore then you might see someone want to do something about it
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: GamingWeasel on December 08, 2010, 12:47:59 PM
weasel no im not fine with it ,are you originally from here weasel ? your kin ,how many generations? just wondering cause not that many years ago things were under control 80`s and things were affordable ,im just waiting for the older people to start getting kicked out of thier homes because they cant afford it anymore then you might see someone want to do something about it

Hehe. ;)  My prediction:  Next thing, we'll hear that anyone who hasnt been here for 10 generations are "flat-landers".  This isnt even a reasonable discussion (or much of a discussion at all) anymore, it's just getting silly.   It doesnt seem that you have anything more to add that's informative or thoughtful.  So, looks like it's about done for me.
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on December 08, 2010, 01:08:00 PM
If you were not born in VT it does make you a flatlander though LOL !!! just thought I would add that 
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: cedarman on December 08, 2010, 01:29:55 PM
Flatlander here.  Back home in Northern NY (as close to Canada as we are in Fairfax), the cost of living was more affordable because housing cost were and still are a LOT lower.  My parent's house was $35K for a 3 bedroom home on 3 acres (NO, I didn't forget a zero) in 2002.
Tax rates are higher, but overall, for someone buying a home on a mortgage, the overall cost is MUCH lower due to housing prices being half or less of what they are here in Fairfax.  Cost of renting a 3 bdroom house there is a lot lower too. It is not uncommon to find 100+ acres over there for $50K or less.
I think the fact that the state doesn't pay people to NOT develop land really helps keep housing cost lower.  NYS does have some land management programs to help land owners develop higher value forest, and a program where owners get paid for trails on their land, but any trails created under the program are considered public access (for those who know where to find the trails).
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on December 08, 2010, 02:10:57 PM
I would give my right arm for housing prices in VT to be what they are in NY.  I have a lot of friends I work with that live in NY, it's crazy how low the cost of housing is across the lake.  I have been thinking of buying a camp in up state NY and I have found nice camps with 10-20 acres for the price you would pay for an acre of land in Fairfax!!  Ed is right though it wasn't always like this in VT, in the 80s even early 90s housing was very affordable in VT.

Ed I blame it on the Massholes LOL
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on December 08, 2010, 04:41:57 PM
weasel im just trying to figure out your angle on this either you work for the school or someone you live with does or you have more money than GOD
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: GamingWeasel on December 08, 2010, 04:54:57 PM
weasel im just trying to figure out your angle on this either you work for the school or someone you live with does or you have more money than GOD

Nope, nope, and nope. ;)  Apparently anyone with a different opinion than you must have an "angle".   That's an interesting thought process...and a bit revealing about yourself.  Last comment from me to you Rod.  I agree to disagree.

To everyone else:  So why the great difference in housing prices across the lake?  Josh mentioned people being paid to not develop their land, and out of staters driving up prices (with McMansions probably) so that is a couple things, but I dont think those could be the sole reasons.  Anyone have other ideas?  Taxes are apparently higher in NY, so that doesnt sound like its part of it.   I always wondered why this was the case.
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on December 08, 2010, 05:33:01 PM
Who knows??? please share it sure as hell isn't all the good jobs!! Vermont is probably one of the biggest unfriendly business states in the USA.  One would think NY has a lot more to offer therefore it would cost more to live there HMMMMMMMM? 
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on December 08, 2010, 05:43:40 PM
i thought so ..........i  just cant figure why anyone would want to pay more in property taxes it just boggles me
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on December 08, 2010, 05:52:29 PM
Ed that baffles me to.....LOL but hey to each their own I guess???

Some people like to hang from rafters by their nipples...... I don't, but if thats what they like more power to them as long as they don't expect me to like it myself.
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: rod anode on December 08, 2010, 06:12:47 PM
who likes to do that josh? ide like to see that YYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: cedarman on December 08, 2010, 06:42:02 PM
I think the anti-flatlander sentiment is a result of changes in VT as more wealthy people from out of state buy land / houses at high prices and add to the rising cost.  In many cases, those individuals bought property here because of the rural nature of the area, and now that they have their piece, they want it to stay exactly the same.  Since these individuals have more money than the average "native" working VT'er, they tend to have more time to play in politics in an effort to prevent changes to the "rural character" of the land around their new homes - except the farms because they are dirty and stinky.

This reminds me of a co-worker's question: "What is the difference between an environmentalist and a developer?" . . .  "The developer wants to build houses on the hills with nice views, the environmentalist already has one."

All of this leads me to believe the rising cost is about supply and demand.  If you have a group of people who create roadblocks to development, it creates a shortage and drives up the prices.  IF VT had fewer roadblocks to development of property and the ability to build new homes, MAYBE, housing cost wouldn't be so high.  That won't happen because nobody (the people who already own houses - many already overpriced) wants to see housing prices decline.  Ed probably doesn't want to see housing prices decline either because towns would just have to raise tax rates to make up the difference (like in NORTHERN NY).

I emphasize NORTHERN NY because it is far different that "upstate" or "downstate".  Housing cost rise significantly as you move south of Glens falls. 

That's just my 2 cents on why I think housing cost are so high (and rising like the flatlander resentment).
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: mkr on December 10, 2010, 02:24:12 PM
Well said Cedarman.  Not too shabby for a flatlander! LOL!! :-)
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: dvallett on December 10, 2010, 03:09:40 PM
Josh, happy reading: http://www.vlt.org/land-protection (http://www.vlt.org/land-protection)
Title: Re: Land Trust?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on December 10, 2010, 05:48:08 PM
Josh, happy reading: http://www.vlt.org/land-protection (http://www.vlt.org/land-protection)
Thanks Dave!!  I have been looking at some land in the NEK that is in land trust. I just want to put a deer camp on it for me and my brothers things are getting to crowded around here for hunting!!