Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 15, 2010, 08:47:47 PM

Title: Photos From John Schraven Taken At Dawn Of The Baptist Belfry
Post by: Henry on November 15, 2010, 08:47:47 PM


"This is the bell clapper.Witness the faithful sentinel,waiting for someone to pull the rope,and release it from its silent obedience, a surly basso profundo rudely awakened,happily roused to a confident tenor, sending its peals of laughter, joy or warning
 rippling through the village.Oh Blackberry and I-Phone ring tone alerts, Harken.....Your Grandfather would speak."

While I was up in the bell tower, I was thinking that the Baptist building has many things in common with social practices of today. While we rely today on our cell phone alert tones to notify us of important ( and sometimes not) events, the town bell was the means to notify villagers of events in days gone by. The bell is like the grandfather of those ring tones and alerts.
 Likewise, we now rely on Facebook and social media, such as your website, to stay in touch with our neighbors and keep abreast of events in each others lives. The dining tables in the Baptist Church used to serve that same purpose when people would get together to break bread, share a meal and catch up with each other. That is what takes place at events like the Hunters breakfast. Anyway, just ruminating.... John



To view a slideshow of all 11 photos John took, click on the link below:

http://www.vtgrandpa.com/photos/slideshow.php?set_albumName=schraven_baptist (http://www.vtgrandpa.com/photos/slideshow.php?set_albumName=schraven_baptist)
Title: Re: Photos From John Schraven Taken At Dawn Of The Baptist Belfry
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on November 16, 2010, 05:44:19 AM
Thank you John for clambering up there to take such wonderful photos!
Title: Re: Photos From John Schraven Taken At Dawn Of The Baptist Belfry
Post by: Henry on November 16, 2010, 09:30:27 AM
John just sent me a caption to put underneath one of the photos - Very interesting.  Actually we talked about the Bell Ringing at Sunday night's Fairfax Historical Society gathering.