Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 28, 2010, 08:36:36 AM

Title: Surveillance Camera Photos Sometimes Reveal Local People
Post by: Henry on November 28, 2010, 08:36:36 AM
A 36-year-old transient woman has been cited into court on suspicion of grand larceny in connection with an Oct. 22 purse-snatching incident at the Price Chopper supermarket on Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, city police said Friday.

This particular BFA Graduate with ties to Fairfax was apprehended after several people provided information about her to the South Burlington Police Department after seeing a surveillance photo from the incident published in the Burlington Free Press, authorities said.

Lots of times when Chris or I put these surveillance photos up, we have no idea who they are - Quite a number of people, however, recognized this person - Hopefully they will get themselves squared away.
Title: Re: Surveillance Camera Photos Sometimes Reveal Local People
Post by: Dick Brown on November 28, 2010, 09:22:06 AM
Good Morning Henry    I'm sure it's my tech expertise , but I haven't seen the Surveillance Photo , so don't know who the person is , but having been the victim of theft before, and having seen and experienced the outcomes of the loss of a person's identity ( one of my credit cards that was stolen was used in Nebraska, another in Maine ) I still feel sorry for the person who is not a thief by nature , but forced to steal because of personal circumstances . I echo your hope that the person gets help.....on many , many levels , so as to improve their life .
Title: Re: Surveillance Camera Photos Sometimes Reveal Local People
Post by: Barbara on November 28, 2010, 10:10:43 AM
I just want to say, your response reminds me of why you were such a marvelous principal. 
It is fun to hear your 'voice' here occasionally.