Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on December 01, 2010, 02:34:54 PM

Title: The Wind Bloweth A Bit Up By St. Luke's On The Huntville Road
Post by: Henry on December 01, 2010, 02:34:54 PM
Well, Jeannette Wills & Karen Fitzgerald got the figurines out of the Creche just in time - As you can see the Creche which was put up last weekend for Advent got blown around a bit.


Just below St Lukes beyond Irving Geno's place, a telephone pole is dangling in the wind.  Apparently Fairpoint has not gotten to it yet, even though I saw three trucks driving around when I went down to the village.

Title: Re: The Wind Bloweth A Bit Up By St. Luke's On The Huntville Road
Post by: rod anode on December 01, 2010, 03:16:10 PM
did you see the garbage blowing all around? it looked like a bomb hit  or like burlington on payday
Title: Re: The Wind Bloweth A Bit Up By St. Luke's On The Huntville Road
Post by: mkr on December 01, 2010, 04:16:04 PM
I did see the trash!  I told Dad today that recycling was waiting until next week; guessing others will be wishing tonight that they did the same :-)
Title: Re: The Wind Bloweth A Bit Up By St. Luke's On The Huntville Road
Post by: chelseaclark on December 01, 2010, 07:47:39 PM
Yep, no idea where our recycling bins are now.  That was some wind!
Title: Re: The Wind Bloweth A Bit Up By St. Luke's On The Huntville Road
Post by: Henry on December 01, 2010, 08:18:33 PM
The wind sure does blow up in that part of the village.  My inlaws built the house where Everett King lived a number of years ago.  I don't know if I ever saw a place catch so much wind as that place.  When you went up on that porch to go into the kitchen on the side where the garage is, it would practically blow you right off.  Adolph, my father-in-law ended putting up some solid green plastic windbreakers to cut the wind so it wouldn't pull the door off its hinges.
Title: Re: The Wind Bloweth A Bit Up By St. Luke's On The Huntville Road
Post by: Kathleen on December 02, 2010, 07:54:38 AM
That green wall is how I identified which house was theirs when I was younger.  Never knew what it was for, but was glad to have a distinction to be able to pick out the house.
Title: Re: The Wind Bloweth A Bit Up By St. Luke's On The Huntville Road
Post by: Henry on December 02, 2010, 08:09:32 AM
Around 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon I decided I would go out and get my mail & newspapers.  As I got in front of the house and was headed down the driveway, the wind picked up something fierce.  I have never in my 77 years ever been out in that strong a wind.  I thought it was going to blow me over.  I have to say, I was actually scared.  I did make it to the mailbox, grabbed the paper and mail and turned around and started to cross the road and did not see a car coming up from Fairfax Village.  Thank God they stopped and waved me on.  I was never so happy to get back in the house in my life.

During this time, Don & Pat had gone up the road a ways to get a tree out of the road and I heard them for a while later on different roads.

I haven't had a chance to check my roofs yet, but hopefully the new roof Mark Minor put on for me is intact.  Most of the other roof was put on by Brad Meunier back in 2003, so hopefully that is ok also.

I called my sister last night to make sure she was ok and found that she had been out and gotten her mail & paper.  I don't know how she stayed on the ground, because she weighs about 100 pounds less than I do.

Later in the evening I got a call from some friends that were returning from NC for Thanksgiving.  They arrived home to a dark house with no power and had not been aware of what happened.  They were talking on a cell phone that didn't have much power left and of course no way to charge it.  I offered them to come up here if they wanted, but they chose to stay at their house.  Thank God I didn't lose power here.  Hopefully nobody suffered serious damage.