Henry Raymond

Fairfax Bloggers => Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day => Topic started by: MikeF9 on January 09, 2011, 11:46:45 PM

Title: Photo Blog 1/10/11 Sunday Headlines
Post by: MikeF9 on January 09, 2011, 11:46:45 PM
Monday January 10, 2011
Photo Blog

Whenever a major event happens, I like to scan the front pages section of the Newseum website to see how everyone is covering the event, especially the local media. After the shooting in Tucson, Arizona Saturday, it was the top story most everywhere.
http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/default.asp (http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/default.asp)

Arizona Daily Star, Tuxson, AZ

Chicago Sunday Sun-Times

New York Post

The New York Daily News, however, felt that another story was more worthy of the front page. Everyone has their priorities.
