Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on September 20, 2004, 06:45:19 AM

Post by: Henry on September 20, 2004, 06:45:19 AM
Hi All,

Well, I guess we have just had our last official weekend of summer.  According to what I’ve seen on the various weather reports, Wednesday is the first day of Fall, so thought I would be really smart and see on my own just when does it officially begin.  Found the web site and got the following information:  
September 22, 2004 – 1630 Universal Time
About 20 minutes later, I was still trying to determine what was 1630 Universal Time here in Fairfax, so I’ve decided to let Gary Sadowski or Sharon Meyer let me know – I’m soooooooo confused!!!!

Anyhow, for those of you who don’t live in my particular area of Fairfax, below is a photo of a nice frosty fall morning as seen from my back yard this morning:
We are now entering my favorite time of year. The frost here was between 10 and 15 days late in coming - That pile of vines in my small garden is a pile of tomato vines - Tomatoes were about 30 days late so in my garage are several boxes of green tomatoes of which many will still ripen.

I have made a few changes to the web site:

I have added a Free Items Category on the Forum and put up two items.  Either go to my main web site and click on forums or click on the following link:


Also, there is a special Regional Technical Academy Presentation one week from today, September 27, 2004.  You will find that information also on the forum under current events.

For those of you who might be looking for the Fairfax Library web site, I have added the link on my home page.  If you want to go directly to it you can click on the following link:


Mike Cain had a busy day at the Fairfax Historical Society Museum yesterday.  For those of you who may not be aware of it, Mike is the foundation of our Fairfax Historical Society, taking on the responsibility of making sure throughout the entire year that everything is ok at the museum while also covering by himself the majority of the time the hours the museum is open.  In addition, anytime a group wants a tour of the museum – Mike does it – Mike we are truly very grateful for all you do.

Mike had someone there all afternoon right up through until 5 p.m.  A local couple new in town stopped in and just as Mike was getting ready to close up for the day, a Mr. Story from Wisconsin stopped in looking for his ancestors supposedly buried in Fairfax.  Mike was able to verify for him that there were a number of the Story Family buried in the North Fairfax Cemetery.  The actual names are on the Internet for all 13 cemeteries here in Fairfax, however, many individuals do not have access to the Internet or are not aware it is there and linked to our Fairfax Historical Site.  In addition to that, After Mr. Story and his wife left, Merle Parenteau stopped by, mentioned something he had, then went and got it. He had found it in the wall when they were refurbishing the old Fire Station upstairs into the meeting room. It was stuck in a wall somewhere.  It was Marty Hicks' certificate from the Mass. School of Embalming.

All in all, a very rewarding day at the museum.

Get ready for fall and have a great day