Ellen Fitzgerald
Age: 17
School: BFA Fairfax
Parents: Karen and Peter Fitzgerald
Hometown: Fairfax
Top 5 accomplishments: Getting into National Honor Society, becoming captain of cross country running team, becoming captain of Nordic ski team, becoming leader of local youth group, getting a 4 on my AP Language test
In the community: Youth Group: serving food at the Salvation Army, making cardio pilows, spending time at a local retirement home
Favorite spare time activity: Ultimate Frisbee
After graduation: University of Maine at Orono or Elmira College
Career plans: Work in a clinical lab or a research lab
Your bedroom in one word: Cozy
Dead person to meet: A.A. Milne because he understood what a person's childhood should really be about.
Your biography title: "Miss Fitz"
Three "luxuries" on a desert island: My iPod, a toothbrush and a book
Personal motto: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." --Oscar Wilde
Thomas Taber
Age: 18
School: BFA Fairfax
Parents: Kimberly and Michael Taber
Hometown: Fairfax
Top 5 accomplishments: UVM Honor's College acceptance, Phi- Beta-Kappa Award, Bausch and Lomb Science Scholarship, multiple class awards, acting (Beauty and the Beast, Willy Wonka, etc).
In the community: Youth group, NHS, Salvation Army soup kitchen and Katrina relief effort.
Favorite spare time activity: Cooking
After graduation: University of British Columbia
Career plans: Pre-med or engineering
Your bedroom in one word: Oi vey.
Dead person to meet: Coco Chanel, she's perhaps the greatest feminist, without being an actual feminist.
Your biography title: "Thomas Taber: All Natural, and Low-Fat."
Three "luxuries" on a desert island: iPhone, a competent kitchen and music.
Personal motto: "I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am." -- Sylvia Plath
Hopefully I can get some photos of them a little later on today on The Free Press Web Site: (