Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on October 03, 2006, 12:21:01 PM

Title: Slide Show Of Foliage Photos Sent To Me And Some Of My Own
Post by: Henry on October 03, 2006, 12:21:01 PM
Hi All,

Shirley Langlois sent me some great photos taken at the St. Albans Resevoir in North Fairfax along with the following note:

"Hi Henry,
Went by the reservoir yesterday and the colors of the trees reflecting off the water was absolutely beautiful, so I went home and got my camera. If anyone would like to view some magnificent color in our little community they should take a ride to North Fairfax, but don't put it off because I'm sure it won't last long. Sometimes there are geese gracefully floating on the water to add to the beauty.
Have a great day.
Shirley Langlois"

I added the three I took and will be glad to add any you send me, giving you credit.  Like to keep them local if possible.

Click on the following link for the slide show:


If you would like to see some general photos sent in by viewers to Channel 3 in Burlington, including one from our own Mike Cain, click on the following link.  Much better if after you get to the link, go to the top of the page, click on view than on full screen:
