Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on February 10, 2011, 01:23:04 PM

Title: Took A Few Snow Pictures, So We Won't Forget February 2011
Post by: Henry on February 10, 2011, 01:23:04 PM
Below are some of the photos I took this morning - I a number of great photos of the BFA Kids playing on the big snow banks, but was told I could not post them even though they were not close ups and no kids could be identified.  I thought maybe our folks down south would get a kick out of seeing how kids spend their recess up here in Vermont, but will abide by the school rules.

The house above, for the last two days had snow covering the upper half sash of the windows

However today when I stopped to take a photo

Quite a bit of it had broken off and fallen to the ground

While the owner of this house basks in the warmth of sunny Florida, this is what is happening at home

Meanwhile, Rich has been shovelling a path to the back door of my garage so I can get in

As well as a path to the front door of my house so I have another exit & entrance

Chris Howard plowed my exit driveway several times last week

As well as my main driveway

Looking up the road, you can see plenty of heavy snow just sitting there beyond Mary Kays and up at my sister's house.
Title: Re: Took A Few Snow Pictures, So We Won't Forget February 2011
Post by: trussell on February 10, 2011, 01:53:48 PM
Great pics Henry... Though I'm always disappointed at how photos tend to minimize the snow.  For all the Southerners, it's MUCH MORE impressive in person!
Title: Re: Took A Few Snow Pictures, So We Won't Forget February 2011
Post by: Henry on February 10, 2011, 02:19:52 PM
I strongly suspect that a lot of those southerners will be rushing home once they see those photos.  i thought it was my camera as those banks are over my head.
Title: Re: Took A Few Snow Pictures, So We Won't Forget February 2011
Post by: rod anode on February 10, 2011, 06:06:16 PM
yea but you shrink with age ,what once was small now is big
Title: Re: Took A Few Snow Pictures, So We Won't Forget February 2011
Post by: mirjo on February 11, 2011, 02:06:08 PM
I have to agree with Trevor (don't let it go to your head though), I think the camera diminishes the snow banks, because they really don't look as big as they really are. When the road crew is knocking them back from driveways with a bucket loader, you know they have to be pretty big and causing poor visibility of oncoming traffic, which they are!! I was hoping while whoever was pushing back the snowbanks the other day, he'd scoop out some of the snow they pushed into my driveway over the past week--but no such luck! :-)

The plow guy only comes for big storms and doesn't take into consideration that several small amounts add up after a few days. It wasn't a good communication system left in place...