Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on April 05, 2011, 10:16:33 AM

Title: David Shea Captures A Piece Of Fletcher History On Film
Post by: Henry on April 05, 2011, 10:16:33 AM

Here is a piece of history that has come and gone.  The old Fletcher Town Garage was a casualty of the heavy snows load of the previous winter.  During one of the heavy storms the roof of the old building collapsed under the extreme weight of the snow. 

The building had served as a bus garage as well as the Fletcher Town Garage for many years.  I was told by Don Pigeon that Rex Gillian had  built the structure many years ago.

After the building fell I was contracted to remove the remains.  Here is a picture before we started the work.  It was a busy day so I didn't get a chance to take an after picture.  Dave Shea

Title: Re: David Shea Captures A Piece Of Fletcher History On Film
Post by: Henry on April 06, 2011, 09:56:33 AM
Here are the results after the town garage has been torn down.

Title: Re: David Shea Captures A Piece Of Fletcher History On Film
Post by: FletcherGram on April 07, 2011, 11:19:50 AM
I'm not 100% positive but I don't think Rex built the 'old town garage.' It was probably Gordy when he was road commissioner or when he was on the selectboard. Rex may have helped?! I'll ask him when he comes in from checking the sap.
Title: Re: David Shea Captures A Piece Of Fletcher History On Film
Post by: FletcherGram on April 08, 2011, 02:58:54 PM
Rex said it was Gordy but he couldn't confirm a timeline.
Title: Re: David Shea Captures A Piece Of Fletcher History On Film
Post by: Mike Raburn on April 11, 2011, 01:53:06 AM
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to demo a building, but the clean up and restoring the area around it is tedious.

From the pics I see here,,,,,if you need a contractor, call Dave.

You may not realize it but those pics speak loud.
Title: Re: David Shea Captures A Piece Of Fletcher History On Film
Post by: David Shea on April 11, 2011, 09:18:06 AM

Thanks for the compliment.  You are right, the actual demo of residential and light commercial buildings does not require rocket science.  The steps that lead up to the demolition are what requires skill.

There are many factors that come into play when Estimating a demo like this.  We have to follow local, state, and federal regulations with regard to hazardous waste and demolition debris disposal.  Every situation is a different.  One day I am working with a client who has just lost all of their belongings in a structure fire, the next day an abandoned house, and sometimes the State of Vermont.

Estimating the project, as you know is what makes the difference between success and failure.

David Shea