Henry Raymond

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: greenek on June 25, 2011, 02:13:05 PM

Title: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: greenek on June 25, 2011, 02:13:05 PM
Someone just stopped by the house, carrying a basket of cookies, crackers and chips. 1 of them handed the basket to my wife and wanted to know if he could come in and take a survey. My wife advised them that she was busy. There were 2 men in total, 1 who stayed in a green mini-van with Vermont plates and 1 who came to the door. They left and kept going.

As they did not identify who they were representing, or display any identification, it seemed suspicious.

Curious if they stopped by anywhere else.

Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Travis on June 25, 2011, 03:52:51 PM
That sounds very suspicious to me. It sounds more like they wanted to take a survey of your valuables.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Mike Raburn on June 25, 2011, 07:17:57 PM
If they had steaks I'd have invited them in, myself.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Lilone on June 28, 2011, 09:51:19 AM
They stopped at our house too, we did notice that one of the men in the Van was the same man we saw last year. (vacuum salesman) Not sure why they were looking for a survey this time. . .
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on June 28, 2011, 09:59:53 AM
Reason number 113 why I answer the door with my glock!! It keeps strange people from ever coming back!! LOL
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Lilone on June 28, 2011, 10:17:05 AM
LOL!! I'll have to remember that!
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: mkr on June 28, 2011, 11:20:44 AM
It does sound shady.  I would make sure the Sherriff's office is aware and the info on the vehicle.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Chris Santee on June 28, 2011, 12:57:32 PM
I called the sheriff and let them know.
Is this North Fairfax ? Could anyone here give any road names ?
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on June 29, 2011, 08:59:14 AM
Yesterday, VSP dispatch put out a BOLO for a green mini van going door to door in Fairfax.  If you see the van I would give them a call and report it.  If the sheriff is covering they will transfer your call appropriately to the Sheriffs office.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: greenek on June 29, 2011, 12:00:38 PM
Sorry, I don't get on the forum every day. We are in the village area, on Old Academy Street.

Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Scott on June 29, 2011, 08:47:08 PM
Similar to Josh, all unexpected visitors to my house are greeted with a Ruger P95 on my side.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Travis on June 30, 2011, 06:04:43 AM
I'm just like Josh and Scott, except mine is a Sig 229 and a dog that doesn't like visitors. The Jehovah's Witnesses probably didn't realize what was hiding behind that door.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: monte198 on June 30, 2011, 06:47:47 AM
being in law enforcement i entertained the individuals when they stopped by just to see what they were up to.  Same old scam they offer something to get in your home and are trying to sell vacuums.  Last time they brought a six pack of coke this time it was baked goods.  Traveling salesmen. 

I have heard of a company that has employed individuals solely to provide surveys.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on June 30, 2011, 09:45:45 AM
I'm just like Josh and Scott, except mine is a Sig 229 and a dog that doesn't like visitors. The Jehovah's Witnesses probably didn't realize what was hiding behind that door.

Go Travis you big $$$$spender$$$$ LOL. P229 is an awesome handgun my brother has one I love the way it shoots!
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Travis on June 30, 2011, 10:22:58 AM
I'm just like Josh and Scott, except mine is a Sig 229 and a dog that doesn't like visitors. The Jehovah's Witnesses probably didn't realize what was hiding behind that door.

Go Travis you big $$$$spender$$$$ LOL. P229 is an awesome handgun my brother has one I love the way it shoots!

I absolutely love it. I bought a Sig certified used one from the Powderhorn in Williston. It was only $525. I found a great deal online for a used P232 that I bought for my wife. It cost $385 and came with 3 mags, Hogue and original grips, and 2 holsters. It had a problem with the slide lock and I called Sig. I told them that I bought it second hand from a private sale and they sent me a next day shipping label and I sent it out. They fixed it up, gave it a complete once over and shipped it back the next day. All free of charge.

You can buy a used one, and be confident that Sig will stand behind it if there are problems. They are a great company to deal with.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on June 30, 2011, 11:23:36 AM
Yeah they are great weapons the P229 DAK is what all ICE Agents carry now.  I actually think most Feds Secret Service, FBI and ATF all carry sig now and for good reason they stand behind their product.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Travis on June 30, 2011, 11:48:58 AM
Yep. I love watching NCIS and saying, "That's my gun!"
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Judi on June 30, 2011, 03:46:52 PM
2 people came to our house last week with a basket in hand. I told them I had company before he had a chance to say what he wanted and they left. One came to the door and the other stayed in the vehicle. 
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: al brodeur on June 30, 2011, 03:48:57 PM
whats become of fairfax? we did not lock our doors when we would leave
darn flatlanders
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Margie on June 30, 2011, 10:03:05 PM
I was at my friend's house in Essex this evening.  These guys came to his door!  He said the van was grey colored, or so he thought.  There were three men - one who came to the door and two others in the van. 

The guy at the door had a basket and tried to give it to my friend.  He simply said, I'm sorry I have company, so the guy walked away. 

So...Fairfax is not alone. 
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Mike Raburn on July 01, 2011, 01:41:53 AM
Reason number 113 why I answer the door with my glock!! It keeps strange people from ever coming back!! LOL


I TOTALLY mis-read your post the 1st time.
I thought you were gonna get banned..... arrested, on NBC "To Catch a Predator".....et all
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: sweetpeakt on July 01, 2011, 09:33:12 AM
I had a man stop at my house last night around 5:30.  He didn't say who he was or what he did.  I had read this post when it first came out so I told him that I wasn't interested and ask him to leave.  Right after he left we had to leave for a party and he was not at anyone elses house, which scared me a little.  Why our house and not anyone elses?  I was sketched out when he asked if "the woman of the house was home".  Not the brighest thing to say to someone this day in age.  I'm considering calling the athorities.  Did anyone get a license plate?  I was in too much of a hurry to write it down. 
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Thor on July 01, 2011, 10:41:52 AM
If these guys are "legit" they would not be picking individual houses to conduct their "survey". They would be going to every house on a particular street. This absolutely does not make any sense, other than they are casing particular places. What we need is for everyone to be aware of this situation, and if approached, make sure you answer the door with your cell phone or digital camera. After you tell them to leave your premises, walk out and take a quick pic of the vehicle, hopefully getting the license plate at the same time. Then come inside and write down every bit of detail you can about these guys, right then, so it is still fresh. Regardless of whether or not you are in a hurry to go somewhere or do something else, you should note every bit of detail you can regarding these guys. Something just ain't right, and if everybodies spidy senses are tingling when these folks show up, that probably means that nothing good can come from these folks being around.

Whenever someone shows up at my place unexpectedly, they generally come to the front door and ring the bell. When that happens, I exit the house through the back, circle around the house and make my approach from their flank, which typically catches them off guard. And they don't generally like what I have in my hands. This tactic works so well, that the Jehovah Witness folks have NEVER come back. Nor would any vacuum salesman or folks taking surveys or whatever. And I ain't polite about it. It is your family/property.... and you have every right to tell them to pack sand and get the hell out.

And even if they are on the "up and up", I don't really give a rat's rear about them or their feelings. I don't need what they are peddling and hopefully they don't ever come back.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: trussell on July 01, 2011, 05:37:58 PM
My wife just informed me that a silver minivan with two guys stopped by our house in North Fairfax and offered a basket of goodies if she would listen to their presentation.  She didn't get the license plate number and wasn't enticed enough by the free cheeze-its to allow him in.  Oh well.  I've since instructed her to answer the door with the Glock from now on :)
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: kevin on July 01, 2011, 11:15:36 PM
So much for the friendly town of Fairfax.  Gimme a break - answering the door with a gun, circling around to someone's "flank" all because they have the nerve to knock on your door.  Tell them you're not interested in what they are selling and if you think something's questionable report the person to the police.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Mike Raburn on July 02, 2011, 02:51:28 AM

Do not discount FAIRFAX, Vermont.


FAIRFAX is really mellow.

I don't know how long you have been there in Fairfax, but if I could find a job there in FAIRFAX that paid me what me and the Wife make here in Anchorage, Alaska. I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Pie socials seem so awesome! (Uncle Mike)

Me, Henry, Uncle Mike Cain, Chris Santee, Rev Elizabeth, T-MAN , and Josh enjoying a beverage ,of our choice, on that there front porch........ Nirvana.(Not the dude that blew his brains out)
You all have Josh, he is on the JOB!

It's fine, Kev.
You will be alright, don't listen or read too much into these guys that have PISTOLS in their hands when they answer the door, they are compensating for something!.........

I'm just saying that Fairfax "rocks"!

So much for the friendly town of Fairfax.  Gimme a break - answering the door with a gun, circling around to someone's "flank" all because they have the nerve to knock on your door.  Tell them you're not interested in what they are selling and if you think something's questionable report the person to the police.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Thor on July 02, 2011, 08:53:56 AM
Hey Kevin,

     A robbery occurs when you are not home. These usually result in simple loss of property.

     A home invasion is what occurs when you are at home and someone comes and is either let in due to a false story or forces their way in. These usually result in someone getting injured to some degree or worse.

     We are still the friendly small town, only we are beginning to see bigger city problems. And this thread revolves around something that basically sounds a little suspicious.

     With regards to your "Gimme me a break" quote about having a gun to answer the door. "Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it". None of us have recommended that everyone do this. Simply stating how we handle things.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: rod anode on July 02, 2011, 01:46:24 PM
now you understand why I dont come around unless i`m invited
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Mike Raburn on July 02, 2011, 01:59:39 PM
I would greet you at the door with open arm. Yes arm.

My other arm, to where my other hand is attached, would be on my wallet.
You ARE a plumber after all.

I keed......keed...

now you understand why I dont come around unless i`m invited
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: LauriH on July 02, 2011, 04:11:29 PM
What the he** is wrong with you people!  You should absolutely be aware of who is around your house, but answering the door with a gun in your hands or sneaking up on them is way over the top!  These guys are vacuum salesmen.  Yes they are annoying, but I kind of feel sorry for them because that has got to be a crappy way of trying to make a living!  If you don't want what they are selling, simply say no thank you and send them on their way.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on July 03, 2011, 06:28:45 AM
Well when someone pulls into the end of my driveway with no markings on their car and comes to the door uninvited how am I suppose to know their intentions........ It's not like the UPS or FEDEX guy I have no clue why these people are at my home or what they want to do.  Also parking at the end of the drive way and walking down to the house is just not common behavior and is something that raises red flags from the start with me.  My Platoon commander use to say "better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6" so better safe then sorry if you ask me.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Travis on July 03, 2011, 08:49:41 AM
Well said Josh.

Why do I carry a gun? Because I can't carry a cop.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: sdogallen on July 03, 2011, 12:27:42 PM
I agree with you Lauri. Its pretty sad when you  feel like you have to greet everybody that comes to your door with a gun in your hand.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: monte198 on July 03, 2011, 07:47:11 PM
I was wondering when fairfax became the Bronx.?  When it became necessary to use combative tactics to meet individuals at your front door?  Or bring a gun to the door when the boy scouts come around for a bottle drive?   
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: mkr on July 03, 2011, 08:26:35 PM
I am polite and say no thank you when someone comes to show me something I am not interested in.  I DO NOT let them in my house, I will listen to people on my porch if I am interested.  I do have my cell phone on me and yes the gun is not far away. 

It is absolutely necessary that people become aware of strangers arriving to their house.  We have had many robberies in this town and we are all aware of the terrible tragedies this past year to those who have been abducted in Vermont.  So be aware, stay on your toes, and share the info with your neighbors.  This protects everyone.

Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: trussell on July 03, 2011, 08:50:58 PM
Part of the problem with this particular situation is that the salesmen aren't really identifying themselves up front.  I realize that of all people, vacuum salesman going  door to door have the "most annoying" reputation and if they had a badge that said "Electrolux" I doubt they would get anyone to open the door to begin with... But coming to the door with a basket of crackers just seems like an odd thing to do (and asking for the "woman of the house" is kind of surprising these days)!  Sure, every salesman has their own marketing technique but perhaps these guys should revisit theirs.  Just sayin.

And as several people have said, unfortunately you just can't be too careful now, even in little old Fairfax.  I'm not saying that I come to the door with a loaded gun, but anytime an unannounced visitor pulls in I'm at least on guard (of course it helps knowing that my neighbor watches my house closer than I do) and could defend myself and my property if I needed to.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: LauriH on July 04, 2011, 05:19:06 PM
I absolutely agree with trussell.  We had people show up on our doorstep a good year ago with the same sales pitch, so it seems that this must be the Electrolux standard method of operation.  It is probably time for Electrolux management to revamp their salespitch and be a little more up front about why they are on your doorstep.  Even though they are a pain in the but, it is still perfectly legal for them to knock on your door.

By the way, I worked for the census last spring and the overwhelming majority of people that I dealt with here in town were very pleasant. Judging from some of the reactions in this conversation, some people would be shocked at how often I was actually invited in to sit at the kitchen table or on the couch to do the survey.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: LauriH on July 06, 2011, 12:39:39 PM
OK, today was my turn.  He knocked and I said I wasn't interested.  OK so I did have to say it twice, but he seemed like a pleasant enough guy and was soon on his way to the neighbors house.  No guns or military maneuvers involved, heck the dog didn't even bark.  I did have a fully loaded paint brush in my hand which could have really messed up his nice pretty clothes!   A fully loaded paintbrush wouldn't be considered a deadly weapon......would it?
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Scott on July 06, 2011, 02:00:55 PM
...  A fully loaded paintbrush wouldn't be considered a deadly weapon......would it?

Pretty sure that different laws apply if it was loaded with a primary, secondary or tertiary color. Did you have a 2nd round of paint bucket on your side? ;)
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: LauriH on July 06, 2011, 02:47:56 PM
It was white semi gloss and the can was on the kitchen table about 15 feet away (quart not a full gallon).
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Mike Raburn on July 09, 2011, 01:18:53 AM
It was white semi gloss and the can was on the kitchen table about 15 feet away (quart not a full gallon).

You were legal, then.
Semi Gloss, 15 feet away.

IN Anchorage, Alaska I was coming home this Friday afternoon after work, and for three major intersections, yes we have them here, there were two Police cars with two Officers standing on the corners with rifles out.

A bank down the road from my home was robbed and the robber fled on foot.
The bank at Northern Lights and Boniface was hit yet again.

I can't find it on any news website here that has posted it yet,,,,

So it happens EVERYWHERE.

Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: LauriH on July 09, 2011, 06:14:05 PM
good to know
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Mike Raburn on July 10, 2011, 01:30:47 AM
You should know.....

Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: winnipeg1 on July 12, 2011, 06:48:34 AM
I have 2 English Mastiffs that weight 200lb and 160 lbs. No one ever ask me if I want to buy anything. I guess if the owner of the house has a dog that weights more then them chances are we can't afford anything due to cost of feeding the dogs. If they do stop by I will get a plate number and make and model of the van.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: Mike Raburn on July 17, 2011, 01:27:46 AM
Bio Friendly.

That is so cool.

BUT..... there is always one....

What if they are meth heads, Tweakers<, and they sicken your "puppies"?

just shoot the varmints, not you "puppies".
Mastiffs, are cool.
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: wwiihistory on July 17, 2011, 12:11:04 PM
I would be careful what you do concerning the loaded paint brush....

You would have to show he/they forced their way into your home and in an act of self defense..(say he threatened you with wallpaper)..you defended yourself with the brush. I would suggest that if you painted him and then called the police....make sure to swipe the brush against the wall or ceiling nearby to prove you gave him a warning shot.

Also, make sure they are fully inside your home. If you painted him half in half out the door...drag the body in but be careful not to smear the paint across the floor..it'll give you away..:)
Title: Re: Snack survey in Fairfax?
Post by: LauriH on July 17, 2011, 08:24:31 PM
Wallpaper!  Now you're talking about the big guns!  That might be hard to defend against with just a single shot paintbrush.