Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 20, 2011, 06:20:24 AM

Title: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Henry on August 20, 2011, 06:20:24 AM
I received this e-mail this morning - Something fishy here, so I did not click on the place where they said for me to click:

From: "FairPoint Communications"<webmailservice@myfairpoint.net>
Subject: FairPoint Communications
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Dear Costumer,

This message is from Myfairpoint admin messaging center to all Myfairpoint account owners. We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account center. We are canceling unused Myfairpoint email account to create more space for new accounts.

To prevent your account from being canceled, you will have to update it with the link below so that we will know it's status as a currently used account.

Click here to confirm your account.

Note: Any account owner that refuses to update his or her account within Three days of this update notification will lose his or her account permanently.

Thanks for your understanding.
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Razzle Dazzle on August 20, 2011, 06:56:35 AM
Looks fishy to me also.  I have fairpoint and I didn't get one.
I guess if you wait three days...we will see!
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Chris Santee on August 20, 2011, 06:58:29 AM
got mine and the link is not legit, don't click !
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Dick Brown on August 20, 2011, 06:58:42 AM
Henry                     Absolutely a scam , one which is used down here also ....key MOS seems to be spelling & grammatical errors , so we need to be careful whenever we're contacted .  
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: MikeF9 on August 20, 2011, 08:18:40 AM
I got it too. Figured it was a scam.
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Scott on August 20, 2011, 12:38:20 PM
Dear Costumer,

:rolling eyes:
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on August 21, 2011, 11:26:40 AM
As soon as I saw "Dear Costumer.." I  knew it was a scam!!!!!!
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: GamingWeasel on August 23, 2011, 09:34:04 AM
Also the "permanently cancelled" was a big tip-off.  Like any company would want to permanently lose customers and revenue.
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Razzle Dazzle on August 27, 2011, 06:36:55 PM
I got one today.
Titled: Account Limitation

Dear Customer,

Your account has exceeded its limit and needs
to be verified for security reason's, If not verified
within 24 hours, we shall suspend your account
from our database Click Here to verify your account

Thank You.
Title: Re: This Looks Like A Scam To Me
Post by: Trekr on August 27, 2011, 08:04:26 PM