Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 23, 2011, 09:23:46 AM

Title: Ardelle Blanche Spaulding Passes Away
Post by: Henry on August 23, 2011, 09:23:46 AM
I have just received word that Ardelle Blanche Spaulding has passed away.  Minor Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements which are incomplete at this time.
Title: Re: Ardelle Blanche Spaulding Passes Away
Post by: David Shea on August 23, 2011, 10:08:50 AM
Ardell was my second grade teacher.  I have good memories of her & want her family to know that she did make a difference for me and many others during her career as an educator.  I am sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: Ardelle Blanche Spaulding Passes Away
Post by: mkr on August 23, 2011, 10:28:13 AM
I second that David.  She was a super second grade teacher.  She made a difference for me as well and have mentioned her over the years. Love and prayers to the family.
Title: Re: Ardelle Blanche Spaulding Passes Away
Post by: Dick Brown on August 24, 2011, 07:10:59 AM
As I'm sure most people involved with BFA know , Ardelle was one of a number of strong group of teachers whose instruction of students took place during somewhat chaotic and noisy conditions away from the main campus in either the St' Luke's classrooms or the Brick Church  which were rented by the school as it dealt with growth and overcrowding from 1968-1973 . She and her peers maintained composure and a sense of humor as they not only met the educational goals for their grade level , but supervised on a daily basis the busing of students down to the school for lunch, music , library and other specials . As a first time principal in 1971 , I was concerned when I began my administration about the overall plan to educate our students in these areas , but my concerns were put to rest by Ardelle and the others who rarely missed a day of school , typically met me with a smile on my daily visits to their area and always coordinated their efforts with each other as they worked their way through the day with " their kids " . When she and the others finally were given their own classrooms at the new school , Ardelle told me many times that it wasn't so bad at the church and instruction could always take place if teachers were prepared and really liked the children . She did and she was . She will be missed by a lot of her friends , and she will be respected by all who had her for a teacher , as MKR & David's postings indicate .