Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 08, 2011, 07:40:46 PM

Title: Fairfax Voters Vote Down Merger 220 to 136
Post by: Henry on November 08, 2011, 07:40:46 PM
A small turnout today in Fairfax for the Fairfax/Fletcher Merger vote.  220 voters voted No and 136 voted yes for a total of 356 votes.
Title: Re: Fairfax Voters Vote Down Merger 220 to 136
Post by: fletchtb on November 08, 2011, 09:46:46 PM
Fletcher voted 131 No's to 68 Yes's
Title: Re: Fairfax Voters Vote Down Merger 220 to 136
Post by: trussell on November 08, 2011, 10:13:56 PM
Hey Fletch, How many times did Ed vote? Hehe....
Title: Re: Fairfax Voters Vote Down Merger 220 to 136
Post by: fletchtb on November 08, 2011, 10:29:40 PM
62 times by my count... ;)
Title: Re: Fairfax Voters Vote Down Merger 220 to 136
Post by: rod anode on November 09, 2011, 04:32:53 AM
ha ha ha very funny ....all you trust fund babies i hope your happy ,and all the retired elderly people you are going to make loose their houses cause they cant afford the property taxes now,and all the businesses that are going to leave because taxes are too high,and the roads that are not getting repaired ,because some stupid kid needs more than one teacher to teach him or her the correct way to pick his or her nose,.........THE SKY IS FALLING
Title: Re: Fairfax Voters Vote Down Merger 220 to 136
Post by: kevin on November 09, 2011, 08:38:28 PM
How unfortunate that only 336 people felt this issue was important enough to vote on.
Title: Re: Fairfax Voters Vote Down Merger 220 to 136
Post by: Henry on November 10, 2011, 07:42:26 AM
Read the Messenger Article on the Voters Nixing Single District:

http://www.samessenger.com/node/2293 (http://www.samessenger.com/node/2293)