Henry Raymond

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: nancyd on November 16, 2011, 10:36:46 AM

Title: Trash Collector
Post by: nancyd on November 16, 2011, 10:36:46 AM
Can someone tell me who our trash collector is? And if we miss the collection, is there somewhere we can take our household trash?
Yup.... I missed it
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: mkr on November 16, 2011, 10:38:27 AM
They probably haven't hit Fletcher Road yet.  :-) If you don't have friends on the road, let me know, we had a light trash day, so you can put it with mine.
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: mkr on November 16, 2011, 10:51:18 AM
Directions sent :-)
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: nancyd on November 16, 2011, 11:18:09 AM
Thank you very much!!! Very kind of you! Just dropped it off.
Have a Happy Day!
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: Henry on November 16, 2011, 11:51:05 AM
Hi Nancy,
Saw you drop it off - I am Mary Kay's Neighborhood Watch, so she had given me a call and told me someone would be driving into her yard - Glad she was able to help you out - Henry
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: Chris Santee on November 16, 2011, 01:41:09 PM
We just might live in the nicest town in the world !
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: mkr on November 16, 2011, 04:50:27 PM
Glad I could help Nancy!  Have a great day! ~MK
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: rod anode on November 16, 2011, 06:30:55 PM
anyone can take their trash to t.russells house he doesnt care...........really he doesnt
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: nancyd on November 16, 2011, 07:17:37 PM
Yes, Chris,
We Do live in the greatest town! When I woke up and realized the time ( post pick-up time), a panic slowly gripped my insides. Garbage left in the garage for a week is not an appetizing aroma. Pre- Thanksgiving. I was going to look in the phonebook for the collector's name .... No time, no coffee, no make-up, bad hair day, no brains.....where can I go to get a "quick" answer? THE FORUM!!!!
And I did... Within one minute! Once Mary Kaye offered me her driveway... I thee my pants on over my red poka dot PJ's, put my hat on backwards, and ran out to the garage! After I got my "stuff" in the car, I looked down and heard myself say "oh no!". My red poka dot PJ's were were down to my mixed matched sneakers! I tnought "I have no time for this!" I then quickly rolled up my PJ's under my outer pant legs and hoped they wouldn't come down again. Oh boy, I needed coffee! Well, as you know I made it and got home and waent to write a note of thanks to Mary Kaye. Then I see the the lovely note from Henry Raymond, saying he saw me. Henry, I hope you wear glasses because I was not looking too good!!!
That was my morning. Thanks everyone!!!
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: Henry on November 16, 2011, 07:52:13 PM
Nancy, Many a commuter has seen me out to get my Free Press in my Pajamas & Housecoat as I seem to have to wait 15 minutes to get across the road - I even ventured out one morning across from the Town Garage in the same getup and my good buddy Steve Ratte was there as I photographed a balloon landing.  He took my picture taking a picture of the balloon landing - He sent me the photo, but so far no blackmail so he doesn't distribute it.

Not to worry Nancy, my daughter was happy she could help you out - She is a good kid and if I sound a little bias, Well, I am.
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: trussell on November 17, 2011, 09:06:55 AM
Nancy, you should have stopped over at Henry's for a coffee!
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: Mike Raburn on November 18, 2011, 03:28:23 AM
anyone can take their trash to t.russells house he doesnt care...........really he doesnt

Everyone Ignores us, Special ED.
I got it!
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: slpott on November 18, 2011, 07:53:23 PM
I used to work for an attorney who was this very shy man and he once told me his story of getting up very early in the a.m. and he would always go into his driveway naked to get his paper. Did not see a reason to get dressed to go get the paper since his next routine was the shower and he knew none of his neighbors got up that early. He did this for years until one morning the door shut behind him and it was locked. He has not made that mistake since. If you knew him you would belly laugh. His face was red just telling the story and hit had been years since it happened.
Title: Re: Trash Collector
Post by: trussell on November 21, 2011, 10:02:52 AM
anyone can take their trash to t.russells house he doesnt care...........really he doesnt

Yeah, feel free! I just dump mine in the ditch in front of Ed's house anyway... what's one more bag!?