Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Political Issues/Comments => Topic started by: Henry on February 11, 2007, 10:07:20 PM

Title: Legislative Update From Gary Gilbert - Feb. 10, 2007
Post by: Henry on February 11, 2007, 10:07:20 PM
The House Education Committee has continued its investigations of what is expected of our schools, and how to address them in the most efficient and cost effective manner.  This last week we heard testimony about variations in Special Education across  districts, School Calendars, No Child Left Behind, and four bills on Consolidation of Services for schools. These bills were all designed with the intent of making education more efficient and more cost effective. Each suggestion must be examined in light of what we are learning about education in Vermont today.

What we have found is that while student populations are declining, the needs of students are becoming greater and more diverse.  For high needs students it might mean either expensive out of district placements or building the capacity to meet those needs in local schools – more highly trained professionals with very specific expertise, dedicated space within the building and differentiated learning materials and experiences. For gifted students in may mean funding smaller class sizes than normal, long distance learning, or admitting that there is a limit to what one school district can support.
It is too early to guess what the legislature may chose to do this session, but the answer may lie in regionalizing services to schools and sharing personnel rather than expect each school to stand on their own.  It may involve the Department of Education changing their role from a consultant to an enforcement agency that actively designs, administers, staffs, and funds multi-district services. It may involve local communities changing their view from not in my back yard to one of a willingness to try something different.  Or it might be something entirely different. What do you think?  I can be reached during the week in Montpelier by calling toll free at the State House 1-800-322-5616 where a message can be left at the Sergeant At Arms Office and delivered to me at seat 26, by E-mail at ggilbert@leg.state.vt.us, or at my home answering machine at 849-6333.

Gary Gilbert
State Representative
Franklin 1