Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on January 27, 2012, 11:07:41 AM

Title: The Boys Say, "Plenty Of Sand"
Post by: Henry on January 27, 2012, 11:07:41 AM
Went down by the Town Garage yesterday and noticed that our Fairfax Sand Pile had dwindled tremendously.  On my way back up through I noticed DJ & Pat loading their trucks and stopped by.  I asked them if they thought they would have to draw more sand in and they both said they thought they had plenty.  Neither relished the thought of drawing sand to replenish the pile in the middle of winter.  DJ rattled off the number of yards they had left in the pile without a hint of hesitation.  Glad I stopped to ask as I almost posted that we would be running out of sand soon.

The Road Crew has done a great job on the roads, but I couldn't help but notice all the driveways and private roads that were all heavily coated with ice - We have been fortunate that somebody hasn't slipped and really injured themselves.
Title: Re: The Boys Say, "Plenty Of Sand"
Post by: trussell on January 27, 2012, 03:15:02 PM
And they do have a pile of sand outside the gate for people to fill buckets with and use in their own driveways.