Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on October 16, 2012, 02:00:59 PM

Title: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: Henry on October 16, 2012, 02:00:59 PM
http://www.vtgrandpa.com/fxtown/9-20-12.html (http://www.vtgrandpa.com/fxtown/9-20-12.html)

http://www.vtgrandpa.com/fxtown/9-27-12.html (http://www.vtgrandpa.com/fxtown/9-27-12.html)
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: NPM, LLC on October 19, 2012, 09:04:25 AM
I know these are unapproved minutes, but I do think they mean the Langelier land off Buck Hollow...or is the Town looking to buy additional land on Fletcher Rd? 

7:00 PM

Members Present: Bob Horr, Randy DeVine, Chris Santee, Tom Fontaine and David Shea.

Public Present: Skip Taylor, Ralph McNall, Colleen Steen, Slade Farnham, Al Zelley, Kelly Collins, Michele Dufresne and Nick Hibbard.

Bob Horr, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Skip Taylor, from the Town Office Committee, made a presentation on the estimated costs of the proposed new Town Office, discussed the Article(s) proposed and discussed mailings, flyers and public meetings.

The consensus of both boards was to “bundle” the land and construction costs together on the ballot.

A discussion to get voter approval for land sale on Fletcher Road for Town Meeting in March ensued.

Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: Judi on October 19, 2012, 09:37:40 AM
According to the discussion at last nights meeting, the town is "considering" selling land it owns on Fletcher Road.
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: NPM, LLC on October 19, 2012, 04:55:33 PM
Thanks for the clarification!  I was so confused as they were talking about land bundling then land sale.  Lots going on in the town :)
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: skinny71 on October 19, 2012, 06:13:17 PM
As a tax payer in our wonderful community I am felling pressured into paying for a new town office.
Do we get to know what The Fire Marshall's violations are? The last thing on my mind is $335.000 is SO
much less than $1,460,000.00. This is the wrong time to ask people to pay more money in taxes
when paying for gas and groceries is hard enough. Food for thought
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: kevin on October 19, 2012, 10:21:18 PM
For the lower cost solution the town would be putting that $335K into a building that it does not own.  I think that is a waste.  If the town is going to spend the money why not put it into a building that will be owned by the town.  The one item I don't agree with the the cost of the land - $105K an acre.  I think that price is steep.  That being said I still think the town should move forward on this.
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: slpott on October 20, 2012, 03:57:20 PM
Not only do we not own the building that we are currently in but there is not enough parking either. I don't see another choice. I think the people of Fairfax have to support a new office. I know it is a terrible time but if we do not support the town now, they will be forced into trailors and that would really be a waste of money. They can not stay where they are and I personally would refuse to upgrade someone else's land. I think we as town people need to accept the facts and support them whether we like it or not. I know it is a tough time for all but just think about how it is working in those conditions. If you have not had the chance to take the tour, do it. You would be amazed. I will vote YES.
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: 7F24 on October 20, 2012, 04:36:52 PM
I too will vote yes...again.  The cost of the land is expensive, but in the last 25 years I haven't seen land prices go down.  I also can't remember a year that people thought was a good one for paying more taxes.
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: Judi on October 20, 2012, 05:49:16 PM
I will vote yes. I think it is worth a dime or so a day to put our town officials in a healthy environment without mold and dangerous electrical conditions. I think about all the things I buy because I want them not because I need them and can certainly afford to pitch in a little extra. No I am not rich, I live on a fixed retirement income like most folks my age but I listened to what the town officials and staff are up against and cannot in good conscience turn the other way. Just my ten cents worth! :)
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: johnmitchell on October 21, 2012, 07:15:06 AM
In my opinion it is time for us to support our Select Board and the Town Office Committee and vote YES on the question of building a new building.  We elected the board to do a job and they appointed folks of varying backgrounds to the committee with the charge of sifting through several options.  They have accomplished their task.  Although there were other proposals on the table, it is time to compromise for the benefit of the larger population and vote yes.
To put this in perspective, it is less money per year than the grader or fire truck that we purchased a few years ago.  It is my opinion that it will cost us more in the long run if we do not act now.  I do hope the majority of the voters agree.  Just my opinion.   John Mitchell
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: tfence on October 22, 2012, 06:30:18 AM
This is a no brainer. my vote is yes. But...
The old building
* I do not want to pay to fix up a building that is out dated and no possibility for expantion.
* A lot of important documents are stored in a building that is not capable of protecting them.
* Clearly in need of more parking.

The new building.
* The cost seems a bit high to me for a 5,000 sqft =/- building and site work.
   I know there is a lot of code requirements in this structure but it is not a hospital.
* I am thinking the land is what is bringing the cost up.
   I think another acre should be offered for that price. (future growth, Maybe a police station someday)
* I would not like to see a contractor that is from out of town (like we saw at steeple) build it with all out of town subs. Thier is enough talent in town.
* Every contract should have "not to exceed" clause in it.
* I private clerck of the works should be hired by the town to oversee the project and control costs. I have been on many projects over the years and have seen that projects always come in under budget and built problem free.

Just mt 2 cents
Title: Re: Two Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes:
Post by: mkr on October 22, 2012, 06:48:22 AM
Agreed a new building needs to be done.  Putting money into that old building that is not the towns is just a waste of money.  Interest rates are low right now and that saves us a ton of money over the years as well; which is also a savings over time too.