Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on April 09, 2007, 06:27:20 AM

Title: Spring Lambs At John & Susan Mitchell's
Post by: Henry on April 09, 2007, 06:27:20 AM
Hi All,

Well, I had gone up and taken some pictures at St. Luke's preparation for The Easter Vigil.  As usual as I went by John & Susan Mitchell's, checked to see if I could see some little lambs in the back yard.  Yup!!!  There they were:

Now you'll notice the mothers are not the most beautiful having been sheared recently

But you have to admit those little lambs are just the cutest things

I think I counted 13 of them, however they are very active and difficult to count

Now "Big Dadeo" was in a separate pen watching me very carefully as you can see

Had a great chat with John who told me that he used to have a few cows, but had gotten rid of those.  He has a little shop in the barn he told me and its kind of dull out there without the animals, so he got some sheep.  Told him about how I used to raise sheep on Fairfield Ridge as a kid, how we didn't have them fenced in and they just ran around the farm.  We both had experiences where they got into our gardens and quickly mowed down the vegetables.  John told me he had some tomato plants and they even ate those which he and I were both very surprised at, because I don't believe tomato plants are too tasty.

John tells me he has a lot of visitors stop by to see the lambs.  What an uplifting sight to watch these active sweet little animals.[/b]
Title: Re: Spring Lambs At John & Susan Mitchell's
Post by: NorthFairfaxBoy on April 09, 2007, 09:23:00 AM
Hey...those photos aren't to..............BAAAAAAAADDDDD!

(Sorry coudn't resist!)