Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on October 31, 2012, 05:43:08 PM

Title: Quick Tour Hitting Some Highlights Of Fairfax Village On Halloween
Post by: Henry on October 31, 2012, 05:43:08 PM
Mary Kay took me down to the village for a drive around town.  I brought my camera and she took the photos.  We were there early so there was not much of a crowd out.  There is a lot of effort put into the Halloween Decorations by a lot of people.  We did not make a lot of stops but every place was very up and jovial.  Happen to hit Minor's Store when an out of town school bus had stopped, so Cleopatra was pretty busy behind the counter - Meanwhile at the Minor Homestead on Hunt Street, Superman was strutting his stuff as three generations of Minors gathered foir the yearly celebration.  John Workman's Team had some great costumes along with some young chickens under a heat lamp on the porch along with a Flemish Rabbit and a couple of lambs.  It was a brisk night out there and I was wearing my winter jacket and tuke - Nice job everyone.

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

A. W. Rich Funeral Home

Eastman's Bakery

Eastman's Bakery

My personal favorite was Cleopatra at Minor's Store

My personal favorite was Cleopatra at Minor's Store

My personal favorite was Cleopatra at Minor's Store

My personal favorite was Cleopatra at Minor's Store

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it

Lee Minor's House on Hunt Street was just a riot - What a fun loving family - don't miss it
Title: Re: Quick Tour Hitting Some Highlights Of Fairfax Village On Halloween
Post by: CLach on November 01, 2012, 08:20:27 AM
The first thing my son wanted to do was the "haunted house" from last yr.  The Minors did a GREAT job on their Haunted Path.  My kids loved it, they went thru twice but only grabbed one candy ;).  The actors were very wary of the little ones going thru as well.  Well done and thank you for making the Halloween night even more fun. 
Title: Re: Quick Tour Hitting Some Highlights Of Fairfax Village On Halloween
Post by: mkr on November 01, 2012, 08:20:51 AM
Some came out blurry, but it is hard to keep those Super Heroes Still!  LOL  

The crew AW Rich Funeral home did another stellar job! HOP was great!

I had a really big chuckle watching my cousin Glenn having a serious conversation dressed up as Superman...priceless

Max, you are a great Cleopatra and I am so glad I did not miss it! Just watching you cash out the High School Girls Stowe Lacrosse team....also priceless

Had a great time!