Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: mkr on February 18, 2013, 04:04:50 PM

Title: Lock your car doors!
Post by: mkr on February 18, 2013, 04:04:50 PM
OK, so had a scary ride home today. 

I was on Shelburne Road heading towards 189 near Kotos, stopped at a stop light and a guy walked across the road and went slowly toward my car and walked behind it. I had the hairs on the back of my neck tingling so I hit the door lock button on my car. Right after I hit the button he came around to the front passenger door and tried getting in!

I yelled "Get the F away" and he got up on the curb by the bus stop now and just did circles. I am guessing he was on some serious drugs.

Very scary.... I called the cops and gave a detailed description to them.

PLEASE LOCK YOUR DOORS, if they do not auto lock and stay alert!

~Mary Kay
Title: Re: Lock your car doors!
Post by: rod anode on February 18, 2013, 04:21:42 PM
or at least lock and load your gun,damn i dont know what i would have done if that were me ,now on my van the doors lock automatically when in gear so i dont really thing about it,im glad your still sane and safe
Title: Re: Lock your car doors!
Post by: Chris Santee on February 18, 2013, 04:23:30 PM
Glad you're home safe and sound.
Title: Re: Lock your car doors!
Post by: mkr on February 18, 2013, 05:35:02 PM
Thanks guys! I was pretty surprised, but glad I try to always be alert of what is going on around me as opposed to my younger years I would  have been singing and jamming out to the radio.  :-)
Title: Re: Lock your car doors!
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on February 19, 2013, 10:22:51 AM
Wow!! yeah my truck doesn't have automatic locks on it so that would have been a bad day for him... I always carry because of scary situations like this!! Thank god you have good situational awarness MKR, glad you are ok.
Title: Re: Lock your car doors!
Post by: mkr on February 19, 2013, 01:46:14 PM
I spoke to a friend who drives truck on Shelburne Road everyday and he said this guy has been around there for a couple weeks and heard he had harassesed other woman as well.

He wears Brown Carhartt overalls, about 6'3", 200+lbs approx, grown out brown crew cut and is erratic.