Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on May 06, 2007, 08:42:18 AM

Title: What To Do, Oh What To Do
Post by: Henry on May 06, 2007, 08:42:18 AM
Hi All,

Mike Cain was wracking his brain a while back as to just what to do for the next quarterly meeting of The Fairfax Historical Society and as far as I know, he or I haven't come up with anything yet.  Decided I would go through my old files and happened to run across one of our best attended meetings which was on September 22, 2002.  Al Daniels drove the school bus on a tour of some of our near by historical places and along the way, guys like Larry Parsons also injected some personal comments along with some of our other older residents in town like Elaine (Spiller) Lavallee.  One of our local snow mobile trail members gave me an 1857 map of Fairfax as well as an 1871 Beers map which shows where a lot of historical places, industries and businesses were.  Maybe some time along we could do that again if there was enough interest in it at a time when the weather is good and things are all greened up.  There has also been talk of some of our residents opening up their homes for a tour where a charge for the tour would be made as a fund raiser for the Historical Society.  I have the old link which is on Tripod, so ther are a lot of pop-ups, but this tour was free to anyone that wanted to ride the school bus and over 40 people participated in it.  Check it out by clicking on the following link back to September 22, 2002:
