Henry Raymond

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: ohhman on April 05, 2013, 12:57:53 PM

Title: Basket of sweets?
Post by: ohhman on April 05, 2013, 12:57:53 PM
Wondered if anyone else has had younger kids, maybe college age, come knocking on your door selling "products" & hand you a basket of sweets as soon as you answer?  This is twice this week & both times I have said no thanks; the 1st young man did not want to take no for an answer & told me he gets paid just for showing their products so he would come back later. I told him no thanks again & not to bother coming back as I am not interested.  2nd young man just knocks on the door, rather abruptly & so I said I told another I wasn't interested the other day & he snaps "well you don't have to buy anything".....NO thanks &  don't come back I say.  Both pretty rude if learning to be  salesmen!  Wondered if anyone else had them?  Driving a silver van.
Title: Re: Basket of sweets?
Post by: nancyd on April 05, 2013, 01:36:23 PM
I think anyone you don't know who comes a knocking at your door deserves some precaution...try to get license plate number, and some form of ID. Or if you don't want to keep them at the door, just say no and get their car plate number just in case. Better to be safe.
Title: Re: Basket of sweets?
Post by: trussell on April 05, 2013, 01:51:46 PM
This has happened to me before- I almost think they were selling vacuums.  You could always put a Glock sticker on your front door and point to it if they get pushy :)
Title: Re: Basket of sweets?
Post by: Judi on April 05, 2013, 05:29:50 PM
They came around several times last year, sounds like the same two guys in a van with a goody basket. I wonder what they did all winter!
Title: Re: Basket of sweets?
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on April 08, 2013, 09:26:10 AM
Get Bentley a Spiked Collar Karen and sick him on them :)
Title: Re: Basket of sweets?
Post by: Judi on May 30, 2013, 04:46:57 PM
The basket of goodies man arrived today in his large white van.  When he rang the doorbell I opened the window and told him I wasn't interested. He said "Not interested in what?". I told him I wasn't interested in his basket of goodies or anything he had to say and to leave immediately. I bet they come back next year despite my remarks.
Title: Re: Basket of sweets?
Post by: nhibbard on May 31, 2013, 05:52:36 PM
They came to my house yesterday around 2pm. They were offering carpet cleaning. Possibly to stake out houses or nothing. I told them I don't take solicitations. If you don't know them and you didn't order anything, keep them out.