About 6:30 tonight a vehicle towing a trailer full of crushed stone went by, hit the pot hole just before my house, blew a tire and spread crushed stone about 200 feet up the Fletcher Road. I got concerned as when cars went by they were throwing the crushed stone all over the place and also several motorcycles. I tried callaing DJ Leach, then the constable and also one of the selectmen, but no answers, so I called the Sheriff's Department and they said that someone would be out to check. So far nobody has showed up except for two young men who noticed all the crushed stone in the road and they two became concerned. They were on their way home from work, so they went home, came back down and swept the crushed stone off to the side of the road and at the end of my driveway, picked it up and put it in the back of their truck. Now these guys did not look that old and I know one of them lives up on the Commette Road, but do not know his name. What a wonderful gesture on their part. I asked them if I could take their photos and they stopped for a quick minute so I could do that. My daughter next door also went out and thanked them. They expected nothing, just wanted to make sure nobody got hurt.
This is the pothole that has been wreaking havoc. Be cautious until our Road Crew can get to it. A second contact this morning and they said they had no blacktop: