Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on May 31, 2007, 07:57:50 AM

Title: The New Missisquoi Bay Bridge At East Alburgh
Post by: Henry on May 31, 2007, 07:57:50 AM
Hi All,

In reading about the new Missisquoi Bay Bridge, it brought back a number of memories for me.  I remember riding the old Ferry and waiting on the Swanton side watching it unload cars and reloading on the East Alburgh side.  For many, many years parts of the old ferry remained on the right hand side of the old bridge on the East Alburgh side.  Why they never picked it up and got rid of it, I'll never know.  We don't go over to Alburgh as often now since my grandmother passed away, so they may have picked it up in later years.  They sure did need a new bridge as it was always very narrow to me.  I always had a fear of something giving out on the steering of the car and us going into the lake.  Also had the same feeling as we followed the river from Swanton.

I can't remember just when they stopped charging a toll to cross the bridge, but I know they did for many years.  As far as I know, they still charge a toll at the Rouses Point Bridge beyond Alburgh.  Back in the late 1940s two of my aunts and a cousin were driving from Alburgh to St. Albans and were hit head on at the Alburgh side of the bridge.  Both of my aunts were in critical condition for some time, but all survived while the driver of the car that hit them died in the crash.

Technology sure does change when you look at the new bridge vs the old vs the old ferry that was there up until 1938.  To read the story in this morning's Burlington Free Press as well as see one photo (Hopefully they will have more) of the New Missisquoi Bay Bridge, click on the following link:
