Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: mkr on June 02, 2007, 06:46:32 PM

Title: Thank You Note From Mary Kay
Post by: mkr on June 02, 2007, 06:46:32 PM
I would like to thank the Fairfax and Cambridge Fire Department and the Fairfax Rescue for their prompt and amazing job.  We truly have the best volunteer Fire Departments in this area and Fairfax Rescue was there for me and my parents the entire time trying to make me as comfortable as possible.  Matt Gillilan and the two fire teams were providing me with updates on one of my cats (Maxine) and the current status of my home as my sister Lynn, and Best Friend Richard Superneau sat on far side of the driveway watching them put out the fire with me and inspect the entire area after.  Their efforts to save as much as they could with the current situation was incredible and I am grateful for all their efforts.
Upon my return from the ER I had an hour before the traffic and hammers and tool belts began showing up at the house.  Friends were running to the hardware store and others were prepping for the roof cover to help me save as much as I could so when I received the OK that I could remove contents; more damage had not occurred from the weekend rains.  By Sunday afternoon a large portion of salvageable items were removed and on Monday morning I again had a group of friends there to assist in getting the remaining items out of the house. (Special thanks to Jack Wright, Joe Naylor, Matt Jewett, and Kevin Bushey for organizing the roof project)
I will be building a wood structure this time and we just received the OK for demolition yesterday.  We are going to try and salvage as many fixtures as I can in the fire to help with the rebuild this week. 
I will be also going through clothes this week and will be putting clothes at the end of the driveway for people to take for free as soon as the insurance company is done with them.  I have learned this week that 1/2 cup of white vinegar in a load with soap and softener and then a re-wash works great for lightly fire smoked clothes and blankets!
I have been overwhelmed with the number of calls and support I received this week.  Neighbors as close as Kevin Bushey next door to my parents, to friends across the country. 
I would like to thank my loving family for all of the love that I am so blessed to have each and everyday of my entire life; Mom, Dad, Lynn, Sherry, Mike, Henry, and Sam, and Aunt Theresa; you are the reason I have the strength to get through this. There are so many people who have helped me outside my immediate family this past week and I would like to thank them all from the bottom of my heart.  I am afraid to list them as I am sure I would forget someone.
I would like to especially thank a few people who have opened their homes, been my support night and day and have helped to keep me focused and not feel alone:  Sara Lavigne, Joe Ratta, Matt Thweatt, Richard Superneau, Jeremy Thweatt, Cheyne Racine, Jay Yates, Brittany and Kayla Neumeister, Michael Thweatt and Tracy Ferguson.  I love you all very much and I appreciate the love and hospitality.
I will be staying in Essex at Richard Superneau's home and also in Georgia some at Sara's and Joe's apartment in Michael Thweatt's house.  My cats, Maxine and Jasmine are staying at my parents and I am afraid they are not going to want to ever leave with the amount of love and attention they receive there.
Thank You and God Bless,
Mary Kay Raymond