Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on June 04, 2007, 08:26:58 AM

Title: Another Hurdle Of Change To Go Through
Post by: Henry on June 04, 2007, 08:26:58 AM
Top left is my old shaving brush with the bristles pretty well worn and my old safety razor I have used for the last 55 years. Then there is the brand new unused green striped Palmolive Brushless Shaving Cream, then the last tube of Palmolive Lather Shaving Cream I was able to purchase at Fairfax Pharmacy, then the new fancy dandy razor I bought at Fairfax Pharmacy last year.

Well, now here's the story. For some time now I have had difficulty finding Palmolive Lather Shaving Cream, but Rick, owner of The Fairfax Pharmacy here in Fairfax has been ordering it special for me, well that is until some other unknown individual found out that Rick carried the product, then it was between him and I. Rick usually ordered two tubes at a time, then reorder when the last one was sold.

Seems, last week, this other individual came in and bought the last two tubes. No doubt he had some inside information. Anyhow, when I went in to get my Palmolive Lather Shaving Cream this past week, Alice said it had been discontinued, but Rick said he would contact the company and see if he could get it somewhere else. Rick is always very good about following up, and sure enough, he called my house and told my wife that his distributor had told him that The Colgate Palmolive Company had discontinued all shaving creams in a tube, however, they did have 48 tubes of Palmolive Brushless Shaving Cream left in stock. Rick told my wife that he had ordered some of that, not knowing that I just don't care for brushless shaving cream. I did however go down and buy a tube, since Rick had been good enough to order it for me.

That evening I got an e-mail from Rick and this is what it said:

"Hi Henry: I spoke to Burlington Drug Co. today. They received notice from Colgate that they were discontinuing shaving products in tube. The product you used to use is all gone. I have ordered in the other product they have (they had 41 tubes on the shelf today) and when that is gone that is it.

They had the other one in stock because an electrical company used to buy a gross at a time to lubricate wire being pulled through conduit. Product should be in store by noon Friday.

First of all, this goes to show you how committed Rick is to service to the customer. I can't speak highly enough about The Fairfax Pharmacy and am really sad that I am unable to buy Maryann's or my long term medications there as my insurance provider requires me to buy all long term medications from Merk Medco. We do, however, buy all of our short term medications there

But, this isn't the end of the story yet. I took a trip down to Burlington yesterday afternoon and since I had seen Palmolive Lather Shaving Cream in Kinney Drugs someplace before, decided I would stop at any Kinney Drug Store I found on the way. My first stop was Milton. I couldn't believe my eyes as there sitting on the shelf were three, yes three tubes of Palmolive Lather Shaving Cream. I quickly snagged them and brought them up to the checkout counter. I told the lady about my plight and since I was a customer she was kind enough to listen. I said, a tube of this lasts quite a while, but I doubt it will last me a lifetime. She looked up at me and very seriously said, "Maybe you should try shaving every other day." Oh well, I guess I had better get things in order.

I have one more Kinney's Drug Store to check out and that is in St. Albans.

Well, after this little story, I suspect everyone is going to jump to the conclusion that Henry doesn't take change well.[/b]