Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on June 06, 2007, 08:12:50 AM

Title: Now There Might Just Be Some Interesting History Here
Post by: Henry on June 06, 2007, 08:12:50 AM
Hi All,

I received a note from some people in North Fairfax that sounds like an interesting project for someone.  Looking at an old 1870 Map, it would appear that a Civil War Veteran by the name of Hiram Beeman lived there while in another house not far from there a man born in Ireland by the name of Dennis Flanagan.  Hiram Beeman was a direct descendant of Joseph Beeman who surveyed the Town of Fairfax.

If anybody has some time on their hands and would like to do a little research backwards to see if in fact this is the place some of our early settlers lived, send me a note.  Here is the information I received from the individuals who presently own the property:

"We purchased this property about 20 years ago and are curious about what seems to be the original dwellers here.  There is an old, stone house foundation hole, with collapsed chimney here and also the remnants of a barn foundation near that.  There are two stone wells - one is near the barn, and one is in front of the house.  We have found old eating utensils and broken pottery in and around the house founation hole.
Nearby the foundation hole, there is a boulder, which has some chisled writing:  "Fairfax, VT  1807" - - we think it says.
We would be interested in finding out who lived here and maybe obtaining a photo of the place before it went to ruin."