Henry Raymond

General => Announcements => Topic started by: Henry on December 14, 2013, 06:41:11 AM

Title: Smith-Shultz Wedding
Post by: Henry on December 14, 2013, 06:41:11 AM

SMITH - SCHULTZ Alison L. Smith and Daniel H. Schultz were united in marriage on Sept. 14, 2013, at The Essex Resort & Spa in Essex, Vt. The ceremony took place on the East Lawn and was officiated by Rev. Walter Mahany. The reception immediately followed in the Atrium.

 Alison is the daughter of Michael and Patti Smith of Fairfax, Vt. She graduated from the University of New Hampshire and works for NAS Surety Group in Needham, Mass. Daniel is the son of John and Ellen Schultz of Bolton, Mass. He has a degree from Suffolk University and works for Alexander, Aronson & Finning P.C. in Westborough, Mass.

 Jessica Smith, sister of the bride, was the Maid of Honor. Bridesmaids were Kim Cook, Julia Broyer, Sarah Jump, Nicole Gallant, Marybeth Schultz, and Sara Funkhouser. John Schultz and Justin Schultz, brothers of the groom, were Best Men. Groomsmen were Frank Cartagena, Jim Peters, Jared Richardson, Greg Anzaldi, and Ryan Collier.

 The couple honeymooned in Hawaii, and currently resides in Lancaster, Mass.