Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on June 22, 2007, 08:09:22 AM

Title: Save Routes To School - Bike Fair
Post by: Henry on June 22, 2007, 08:09:22 AM
Safe Routes to School - Bike Fair
Although we didn't have as many participate for the Bike Fair as we had last fall, all those who did participate had a good time. Peg Stewart took good care of the registration table, where participants signed up for the Bike Rodeo. If someone needed a new Bike Helmet, Doris Hughes, Community Health and Wellness was ready with a great supply of Bike Helmets at the cost of only $5.00. Steve White, of White's Bikes, on Rt. 7 in Georgia was set up to check bikes before the kids went through the rodeo. He made sure nuts and bolts were tightened and tires filled with air so kids would be safe. Then the participants navigated their bikes through the lined courses, learning how to ride safely through different situations that they might encounter while riding on the roads. Jill Nye-McKeown and Justin Brown did a great job of planning the courses, and with Jennifer and Will Skerrett, Julie and David Filliberti, Bill Ormerod, and a few other helpers, guided the kids through the rodeo. Upon completing the courses, each biker received a photo license, supplied by Blue-Cross/Blue Shield, a cool bike reflector, and cups with SR2S logos. The Fairfax Rescue Squad was at the site in the event of any mishaps, and also had the ambulance open so kids could check it out. State Trooper Lamothe and his K-9 friend were also present.  Safe Routes to School is an ongoing Federally funded, State administered program to encourage walking and biking safely. Jennifer and Will Skerrett are the new SR2S coordinators, and welcome participation by the entire community.