Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Political Issues/Comments => Topic started by: Thor on February 17, 2015, 07:28:33 PM

Title: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Thor on February 17, 2015, 07:28:33 PM
Obammy's State Department, now takes the cake.

"we can't kill our way out of this war with ISIS, what we need to do is provide jobs for them". (Deputy Spokesperson, Marie Harf) Will I be labeled a sexist if I say she is an absolute idiot!!?

Maybe John Kerry can send James Taylor over there to sing for ISIS.

Holy crap.... Obammy needs to take off his mommy jeans and get a clue and get us into the fight. But he won't do that, because we are only dealing with the JV team.

After cutting the heads off of 21 Egyptian workers (we won't mention they were Christians) that were working in Libya, will the administration refer to this as workplace violence as well?

What will he say about the 45 Kurds who were burned today?

He will say and do nothing, typical actions of this pathetic POS.

Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Thor on February 18, 2015, 05:09:18 AM
And that brilliant, bumbling fool that aspires to sit on the throne of Obammy, Joe Biden, is leading a 3 day summit on how to keep all of these atrocities from coming here.

Here is a clue dumbass Joe..... we go over there and we make every one of those inhuman, Islamic extremists, die of lead poisoning!!

Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: rod anode on February 18, 2015, 02:48:02 PM
with pork fat on the bullets
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: mirjo on February 18, 2015, 04:05:34 PM
And why is it up to the United States to do this? ISIS is targeting everyone, they're horrific, to say the very least, but I'm not seeing  an overwhelming amount of worldwide support out there, unless, I'm just not seeing the right newscast/story and that's possible.

More to the point, how many young soldiers do we need to maim & kill before it's enough? Congress has done a lousy job so far, taking care of those we have from 10 years of ME war, it's shameful. I see no reason to jump in this w/o others, if at all.

There is no "winning" a war on terror. It's ludicrous  to think so--what did 10yrs in Iraq get? What did killing the leader of al Qaeda do? Not a damn thing. Now there is ISIS & BOKO HARAM. These people are arrogant nuts, it will never end. Why they feel the need to execute people in the first place is beyond understanding. We're all slated to die at some point, so their rationale makes no sense. If it's in the name of some religion (Islam?) then it proves (as throughout  history) that religion is a ridiculous entity.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Thor on February 18, 2015, 07:46:27 PM
It is a damn good thing you weren't in charge in 1941 or we would be eating our schnitzel with chopsticks. It is a very dark day when the military has to be called upon to go forward. But the world isn't all puppies, rainbows and unicorns. Occasionally there are dragons that need to be slayed. And if someone in the military doesn't understand that, they either signed up for the wrong reason or just didn't think they would ever have to go. But knowing the kids serving today, they are ready and willing to go. But perhaps we don't need a bunch of boots on the ground. Maybe we just need to revisit the hunter-killer teams that we have employed with special operations, with great success, in the past. We knew the people we wanted to capture, so those capture-kill operations were executed with the focus on getting the guy we wanted, so we could interrogate him (not cut his head off or burn him alive or release him from GITMO). But we had an even greater success when we switched the mission tasking around and made it kill-capture missions. And that is what we need here. Small teams of men, who own the night, and put the fear of allah in these pieces of garbage. You have to make it so they do not want to go to sleep, in fear they will never again see the light of day.

So yes, Mirjo, we need to go. If not us.... then who? We need to take the lead on this without a doubt. And we need to bring so much pain and suffering to these creatures that they want to meet their maker. We have a long history of protecting those that cannot protect themselves. And in my opinion, when little boys are being crucified, little girls are being sold as slaves and raped, Christian and Yazidi women are being taken as concubines, Christian men are being beheaded, crucified, burned or buried alive, we the capable need to step up.

We don't need to improve the economy in the middle east, we don't need to get jobs for these Islamic scumbags. We need to eliminate them with the most violent means available.

With regards to killing UBL, of course Zawahiri assumed his position. UBL was simply an exclamation point. You don't want to fight an organization from the top down. You want to eliminate the low hanging fruit. Kill a snuffy and then kill his replacement, then kill his replacement, and after awhile, nobody wants to be the replacement. That is how we did it. Find the rat lines that they are using to bring in replacements and ambush them every night they try to bring in fresh meat. This is not rocket science.

I remember a while back, the U.S. court martialed a couple of young Marines, for urinating on two dead Taliban bodies. And yet, our leadership will not do anything about the things previously mentioned. Our community organizer in chief is the guy who went golfing and joking around 7 minutes after giving a news conference about the beheading of an American journalist (James Foley). Perhaps that was just a random act of violence. Obama needs to get his head out of the sandtrap, identify the enemy, and unleash the dogs of war. We have 300+ Marines at Al-Asad airbase, training the Iraqis. They don't need much at all, except orders to go forward, find, fix and finish the enemy.

I do not consider myself a religious guy. But I was raised on simple Christian values.... always do the right thing, take care of people who cannot take care of themselves, and regardless of the circumstances or potential outcome, always protect the ones who cannot protect themselves. You may think religion is a ridiculous entity, but I assure you, you will find a God when ISIS comes here.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: mirjo on February 19, 2015, 06:44:45 AM
OK, @ Thor (always a worthy adversary) It is disingenuous to compare WWII with this situation--as there is no comparison.  1941 and 2015 are vastly different times. How did you draw a line from my saying that we've maimed & killed enough of our kids to my having expectations of sunshine & rainbows?!? Surely you can't be serious.

I'm not against eliminating these creeps, what I said was we spent 10+ years trying only to end up with more than when we started and it seems a futile waste. What you said makes a lot of sense and basically proves my point. We spent all that time and money in the Middle East with the wrong strategy. What we needed was more Navy Seal team 6 type special ops targeting with precision, so these A-holes don't have a hand to feel uppity with. I get that and am behind that. I just don't see how wiping these terrorists out is something that can be done by the US alone--it's mushroomed so much and I'm not sure it can really be accomplished. I think terrorism is just the new world reality.

I understand soldiers can run the gamut of emotions while in the heat of battle and the enemy is exactly that; however, the Geneva Convention was founded for that very reason--to keep people human under those circumstances. The marines you mention were in violation of those tenets after the fact. Urinating on a corpse is totally disrespectful, regardless of who it is and it's not acceptable behavior. A court martial may have been a little stiff, I don't know, but once we start acting like the enemy, outside of the battlefield & rules of engagement, then we're no better than they are.

I do think organized religion is a ridiculous entity, not to be confused with personal spirituality or one's personal beliefs. All this madness is over religion. How can it not be considered ridiculous? With thousands of religions in  a world of 3 billion people and each one claiming rights as having THE one true god and fighting over it in some fashion or other. It's so illogical, it's laughable. Call yourself a christian, call yourself a muslim, hindi, buddhist, wiccan, whatever--it doesn't matter. What you choose to have faith in is a personal thing that works for you. That being said, as a whole muslims are peaceful people  and it's the radical fundamentalist groups that are nuts.

Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: mirjo on February 19, 2015, 07:30:50 AM
@kpplus2 I see you edited your original post, but I will say this anyway: I'm not "way off," it's my opinion, just as it is yours to say what you said about Iraq. You however are wrong in making the assumption that because I don't share these warmongering attitudes, that I am uneducated and haven't ever left the state, neither of which is true.

I know there were some good things done for people. I have soldier friends who did a few tours. I stand by my thoughts on the war on terror and what I added to my response to Thor. I don't feel overall that what we intended to do as far as the ME goes, was successful, which is unfortunate, considering time, resources, and lives lost/ruined. It seems the new crops of terrorists popping up everywhere, supports that.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Thor on February 19, 2015, 08:05:36 AM
Disingenuous.... not at all. These guys are worse than the Nazi's.

You are resigned to terrorism being the new world reality. That is scary. You obviously are a quitter. I do not want you on or anywhere near my team.

The difference between you and I; you say we can't kill all of them. I say, let's at least try!! You find something wrong with the Marine urinating on a couple of dead rags, in fear that it will lead to our cutting heads off next and complete degradation of our society. I will give the young grunt the benefit of the doubt. I would bet that dead haji rolled down the hill right into the path of the Marine. I am pretty sure that young Marine knew the rules of engagement and followed them, that's why haji was dead. I am not a JAG lawyer, but I do not think it says anywhere in the Geneva Convention that you cannot urinate on dead bodies. The Geneva Convention deals with the treatment of prisoners and non-combatants. Maybe you should take a copy of the Geneva Convention over to al_Baghdadi (leader of ISIS), and see if he is aware of it. I would have talked to the Marine, as a man, and simply said, that is not how we do business. I would not have made a media spectacle of the whole thing, trying to show the world that we respect Islam so much we are willing to punish one of our own young sons for nothing worse than what might occur at a frat house on a Saturday night.

I feel very confident that if you canvased the Troops, you would find to the man (or woman.... don't want to be accused of being misogynistic) that they are ready, willing and able to fight this enemy. They just need a leader and a very simple mission statement..... go forward and kill the enemy.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 19, 2015, 09:20:20 AM
My View as a current Military Member:  It's time for this part of the world to fix themselves and maybe ISIS is the catalyst that will start them on this path.  Maybe they will start to realize that dumping money into extreme religious groups ends up with innocent people being beheaded, maybe they will step up and start to fight back on their own and stop waiting for someone from outside to come deal with the bad people they created.  Don't kid yourselves, the Middle East countries allowed financial support and some idealogical support for these groups, I seem to remember seeing news clips of people rejoicing in the streets just after 9-11.  This is really their problem and the sooner they start to fix it the better.

Now if the elected officials of our country order me to go, I am off without a moments hesitation but don't tie my hands, don't make the rules of engagement so strict that I can't do my job which is to close with and destroy the enemy.  War is a messy business and if some civilians get killed in the process please don't take me to trial, understand that the enemy moved himself into a village which really made destroying him impossible without colateral damage.  While I am saddened by the loss of innocent lives and the would always try to avoid it it the fact of the matter it's a reality of this type of war.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Thor on February 19, 2015, 03:58:06 PM
Solid copy on all RidgeRunner.

But do not hold your breath waiting on the folks over there fixing themselves. They are either supporting the Islamic extremist cause or are cowards and will not denounce it. So far, the Egyptian President al-Sisi, is the only muslim I have heard go out publicly and say anything over there. Over here, Zuhdi Jasser and Walid Phares are other moderates who have spoken out. But from the rest of the billion...... only crickets. So, in my opinion, that either makes them conspirators or cowards.

Totally onboard with the collateral damage concerns as well. The gloves have got to come off for this one, as well as the political handcuffs.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 19, 2015, 04:11:10 PM
Thor, don't forget the The King of Jordan, he actually climbed in a fighter jet and dropped ordanance in response to the Jordanian Pilot being burned alive.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: rod anode on February 19, 2015, 04:22:06 PM
I have a friend in the rangers and they have business cards they leave on the dead
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: mirjo on February 19, 2015, 10:08:48 PM
You can't assume you knowwhat I think by the little said here.(nor should I, you),      I am never "resigned" to anything until I've done everything possible, but it's been over a decade since 9-11 and we're more bound by terrorists than ever before!  Air travel and every other aspect of life as become ridiculous for safety reasons to ensure identity whatever, so someone isn't sneaking in to bomb something. I've already lost freedom I used to have & all I see in the world is these creeps  killing people regularly, after years of war. Sorry, can't help that I feel they're here for the long haul. Let me know when something new has been tried.

There is a lot that you say that I agree  with and some I just don't. I'm not a military expert, have never once pretended to be. I have a profound respect for the members of the armed forces, as I know   they go and do their job when called to duty. That I have no issue with. perhaps it's a matter of public knowledge--things that shouldn't ever be in the public domain,urinating  on a dead body is disrespectful, period. Under those circumstances, I understand  why it would take place--but should remain under military confidentiality. Your anger, hatred  and underlying bigotry/racism is coming out in your language here, whether you think so or not.

I may not be saying what I mean very clearly, and there may be a parallel between Hitler & ISIS in their respective target of a religious group (if I understand correctly, ISIS is executing people of christian denominations) But there isn't the same kind of mentality in the world as there was  (& again, I'm not a war expert, just relying on  the little I've learned in history classes etc, so don't hammer me if I have incorrect facts)  This is not just our war, ISIS is targeting  everyone and  I'm just tired of the  US  feeling the need to step in and police everyone because of this Superpower notion.

I'm also kind of sick of these people as a whole. I'm  really sorry their lives suck  so bad, but they really need to figure it out. I think 10 years in the Middle East, plus the time before that and whatever else, with  no real resolution is enough. And again, that's just my opinion. There may be a few soldiers out there sans some limbs who agree and a few in the same boat ready to go at it again.  Everyone has a different opinion about things like war.

I think it's time for a better game plan, because what we've been doing has failed.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Thor on February 20, 2015, 06:20:36 AM

"You can't assume you know what I think by the little said here".

And yet, you have the arrogance to call me angry, hating, bigoted and racist.

You crack me up. Have a fantastic day!
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: mirjo on February 21, 2015, 04:56:16 PM
You find something wrong with the Marine urinating on a couple of dead rags; I would bet that dead haji rolled down the hill right into the path of the Marine.

Not exactly using Haji by its dictionary definition.

Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on February 24, 2015, 12:39:54 PM
You find something wrong with the Marine urinating on a couple of dead rags; I would bet that dead haji rolled down the hill right into the path of the Marine.

Not exactly using Haji by its dictionary definition.

How do you know MIRJO?  You know what level of Islam the person mentioned above has achieved? :)

In all honesty though, I have no patience for people that speak of Military action or inaction without actual Military service or combat experience.  I will tell you this though, if you don't fight them there they will grow until you are fighting them here.  They are 100% the Nazis of our generation.  These people hate everything we (every country of western influence) stand for and make no mistake MIRJO they wouldn't think twice about cutting mine or your head off or burning us alive.  I have some friends that have been on the ground there in the last 6 months, we don't know half of what is going on there based on our news.  One of my best friends said the mass graves are some of the worse things you can imagine!! Some are filled with children that look as though they were not old enough to even walk yet.  These people deserve to be wiped from the earth and I have not heard a single one of my ACTIVE DUTY friends say they are not up to the task. 
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: mirjo on February 27, 2015, 05:09:10 PM
Ok, you're trying to justify a racial slur where it has no place. The circumstances you describe are a battle with a subset, a radical fundamentalist faction of a larger group of people. you have no patience with those of us who have no military experience, well sir, I have no patience with soldiers who have served with honor and then believe they have a sanctioned right to be racist haters, because they've been in a combat zone. I believe, it is you guys, who should know more than the rest of us that the goons you're fighting, who are truly evil, do not represent all Muslims--they clearly terrorize their own people as much as others. There are many Muslims in this state who do not deserve the kind of attitude portrayed here, as it's not their way. They are peace loving family types, such as yourself, who are as devout to their religion as you likely are, but not in a crazy Kill the infidels way.

I'm done here. I know how I feel and it doesn't change. It's my opinion, it's neither right nor wrong, it just is. Same as everyone else.
Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on March 02, 2015, 10:07:55 AM
Ok, you're trying to justify a racial slur where it has no place. The circumstances you describe are a battle with a subset, a radical fundamentalist faction of a larger group of people. you have no patience with those of us who have no military experience, well sir, I have no patience with soldiers who have served with honor and then believe they have a sanctioned right to be racist haters, because they've been in a combat zone. I believe, it is you guys, who should know more than the rest of us that the goons you're fighting, who are truly evil, do not represent all Muslims--they clearly terrorize their own people as much as others. There are many Muslims in this state who do not deserve the kind of attitude portrayed here, as it's not their way. They are peace loving family types, such as yourself, who are as devout to their religion as you likely are, but not in a crazy Kill the infidels way.

I'm done here. I know how I feel and it doesn't change. It's my opinion, it's neither right nor wrong, it just is. Same as everyone else.

I did not generalize or bash Muslims anywhere in my post.... So I'm not sure why you are attacking me and calling me a racist?  I for one doubt you know the real meaning of Haji as you did not get the joke I made in the first line of my response...  After that I simply spoke of how I get annoyed at people with no down range experience (Yes I have 3 combat tours) speaking about what the Military does or does not want to do.  A true warrior, which most of our great military members are, thrive on defending the weak and fighting evil.  What do you think these ISIS guys are?  As I said before they are our generations version of the Nazis, they murder and torture innocent defenseless people that can not fight for themselves.  How can any human being say that we should not do what we can to help these poor people?  People that mind you helped our Military troops greatly during the Iraq war.

"you have no patience with those of us who have no military experience"

I NEVER said that!!!!!!! I have no patience for people that speak of what the Military should or shouldn't do without any experience.  I share the same views on people who try to tell police what to do when they have never done the job!!

"well sir, I have no patience with soldiers who have served with honor and then believe they have a sanctioned right to be racist haters, because they've been in a combat zone."

Again I don't know where you got the racist vibe from my post!! I have served with a lot of great brave men in my 7 years.  I can think of maybe 2 that I would call racist and they were racist well before they joined the Military.  Also please don't mistake racism with a reaction to a life experience that you could not imagine in your worse nightmare.  Watching a person that you love more than a brother scream and cry while they bleed out and die in front of you can leave an everlasting effect on you.  I wouldn't call those men that have given everything for their country including their Mental health "racist".  They may not feel comfortable around a certain set of people but it is hardly racism in my opinion.  You can not even imagine some of the things our men and women in uniform have endured.

Title: Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
Post by: Thor on March 02, 2015, 08:20:30 PM

Don't get worked up over Mirjo. Her beef is with me and my callous, hating, racist, anger towards, that group. Not that I give a rat's patooty about that. You remember the old saying, "it is not my job to judge these guys, that is God's job. It is my job to arrange the meeting".

So, while I appreciate you having my six, I am a big boy.... I got this one. No problem.
