Henry Raymond

General => Library Announcements => Topic started by: Rev. Elizabeth on March 30, 2015, 09:43:50 AM

Title: Unapproved minutes of FCL Trustees Meeting 3/26/15
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on March 30, 2015, 09:43:50 AM
The Fairfax Community Library Trustees met March 26 2015 in the Fairfax Room.  The meeting began at 6:30. Present were: Debbie Landauer, Toni Jiwatram, Janel Gamm, Liz Griffin,  Patti Reaves, and Pat Gallant.
The meeting began with the introduction and welcome of the two new members  of the Board, Pat Reaves and Pat Gallant.  Both are library patrons and are familiar with the Fairfax community.
 Toni explained the structure of our library to them, and gave them some insights about  the role of library trustee.  Debbie gave the details of her background and introduced the public library staff members. She also explained the relationship between the school library and the
town library.

New officers were nominated and  elected for the 2015 year. They are: Toni Jiwatram, chair,  nominated by Patti Reaves and seconded by Janel Gamm; Liz Griffin, secretary, nominated by Janel and seconded by Patti; and Janel Gamm, treasurer, nominated by Liz and seconded by Patti. 
At the upcoming Joint Board meeting the Fairfax Library Policy will be submitted for the board’s approval.


There was no public input.
The Vermont Department of Libraries has sent all libraries a copy of “Vermont  Public Library Statistices.”
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved

Old Business
Nicole Vance, program planner has now distributed information and materials about the Summer Camps.  She also attended a workshop on running a summer reading program which she found most helpful.  The theme of this year’s summer reading program is “Every Hero has a Story.”  Materials for the reading program have been ordered.

New Business

The library now has the use of a credit card

Applications for the student summer worker have been posted and made available.  The youth would work 25 hours and needs to have completed the sophomore year of high school.  Interviews will take place on April 14.

Four individuals interested in substituting in the library have been given an orientation and Debbie will gradually introduce them to the workings of the library as the opportunity presents itself.

The BFA Fairfax Board of Trustees has generously  donated the funds to purchase the two bicycles given  as prizes in the summer reading program.

These are the dates of upcoming meetings. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at 6:30 in the Fairfax Room of the Library.
Joint Board  April 16.

Library Trustees: June  22nd, August 17th,

The proposed date, to be approved by the Board, for the Joint Board meeting is October 15th.

The meeting adjourned at 7:35.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.