Henry Raymond

General => Library Announcements => Topic started by: Rev. Elizabeth on August 16, 2016, 06:56:21 AM

Title: Unapproved minuts of August 11 2016 Library Trustees' meeting.
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on August 16, 2016, 06:56:21 AM
Fairfax Community Library
Trustees’ Meeting
Fairfax Room, August 11, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by chair Pat Gallant. Also present were: Patti Reaves,
Liz Griffin, Kyle Metayer, Janel Gamm, and Debbie Landauer.
There was no public input.
Secretary’s Reports.
Kyle made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 12 2016 meeting. It was seconded and
the minutes were approved.
Kyle made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 22 2016 meeting. It was seconded and
the minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Kyle reported that there was $4300.20 in the savings account and $237. 62 in the checking
account to date, and that there had been no activity in either account.
The tee shirts for the summer reading program had already been paid for.
Debbie handed out a small brochure entitled “Quotable Facts about Libraries.”
There will be a Trustees and Friends of Vermont Libraries Conference sponsored in part by the
Vermont Library Department. Rebecca Smith Aldrich, an expert on the sustainability of libraries,
will be the keynote speaker. Debbie will share more information when it becomes available.
Old Business.
The summer has been busy with many successful events. The first Fairfax MiniRenaissance
Faire was a great success. Between 150 and 200 people attended, and photos were published
in the St. Albans “Messenger,” and the”Buyer’s Digest.”
Over 200 youth participated in the Summer Reading Program and over 4300 books were read.
The 4th of July parade was another successful event for the library and staff and family
represented the library in the parade.
The summer youth employee is doing well.
The librarians and program director are planning the after school programs and other programs
that begin with the start of the school year.
There will be an adult book program. Old favorites, such as Read to a Dog, Crafternoon, STEM
will resume, and there are plans for new programs.
Debbie, Nicole, and Molly Forman of Building Bright Futures are discussing parenting classes or
a series of workshops of interest to parents, They decided to survey parents to determine
topics of interest.
Scott Mitchell has told Pat that the she would receive school board meeting agendas.
New Business
The town’s fiscal year has been changed and will now go from July 1 through June 30.
The transition will occur with a fiscal year from Jan 1 2017 through June 30 2018. Deb
Woodward, the town clerk has reminded us to keep this in mind as we plan our budget.
Debbie will get a preliminary budget to us before the September 8 meeting. It was decided that
the trustees will plan other budget meetings after the meeting on the 8th.
Staff Evaluations
Debbie has handed out self evaluations to the library staff. She will be beginning her own
evaluation. It is hoped that the trustees complete her evaluation before the budget is finalized.
Debbie is hoping to have both her own and the staff evaluations by the 9/8 meeting.
The Joint Board will meet on October 13 2016. Currently there are no agenda items, though the
unrepaired window blinds might be an item.
The Trustees went into Executive Session at 7 PM. The Trustees came out of Executive
Session at 8 PM.
A motion was made by Kyle that the treasurer write to our selectboard liaison, Lauri Fisher,
regarding adding more Library Assistant hours to the library staff, as outlined by Debbie L. in a
presentation she gave to the trustees. The change would add 2.5 hours a week for 19 weeks
(ending 12/31/16) at a total cost of $665 as well as the town’s portion of social secruity,etc.
These hours would be used to help provide public staff coverage during all open hours. It was
The meeting adjourned at 8:05.
The next meeting will be 9/8/2016
Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Griffin