Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Chris Santee on September 26, 2007, 08:05:40 AM

Title: School Board Resignations
Post by: Chris Santee on September 26, 2007, 08:05:40 AM
BFA Fairfax School Board Resignations

It is with deep regret that the Board of School Directors have accepted the resignations of two very valued Board members.  Lauri Fisher due to the fact that the law firm she is employed by will be working on a pending legal action that will require the subpoenaing of documentation and other information from the school.  Rachelle Howard due to the closeness of the current siituation which could compromise her effectiveness as a board member. 

A Letter from Peg Stewart:

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank both Lauri Fisher and Rachelle Howard for the many years they have served on your School Board.  They have brought much knowledge to all of us.  They have both been very dedicated to their belief that the students deserve the best education possible and that their safety be a priority.  Lauri brought to the board understanding, commitment and a thourough knowledge of what BFA was and will continue to be.  Rachelle was very knowledgeable of the budgeting process and was very instrumental in the positive Master Agreement being approved.  Hopefully the opportunity will arise when they can return as members of the Bellows Free Academy School Board.
Peg Stewart, Board Chair