I suspect many youngsters 20 years or so down the line will talk about the Old Bevins House at the foot of Mill Hill and their trek through the thousands of decorations meticulously put up by the Lloyd & Gyneth Bevins. Either the Free Press or the Messenger came up one year and did a story on them, but I don't know if I saved it or not. The above photo was taken on December 23, 2002. I am sure Mike Cain must have taken some photos of it as thousands of others over the years also must have. What a great dedication to Christmas this couple had as they lit up the many lights on Thanksgiving Night.
Loyd and Gyneth sold the place on June 7, 2004, so December 2003 was the last year of the most decorated house Fairfax has ever seen and I seriously doubt anyone will ever have the dedication and patience that Lloyd and Gyneth Bevins had to ever accomplish such a feat again.