Crossover week produced its usual flurry of bills in order to assure that they would be available for the other body to consider it they were willing. But some bills died as of Friday. Among those were two that I and other Franklin County Representatives had sponsored. The first was to increase the opportunities for local Volunteer Fire Departments and Rescue Squads to hold fundraising activities that utilized Calcutta’s or similar gambling type nights. The opposition came from those who saw it as encouraging gambling. I see it as a donation from people in a town to their local fire or rescue squad and receiving an evening of fun and a meal while they are helping to finance a public service.
The second bill to die required all postsecondary institutions receiving State appropriations to grant academic credit to Vermont high school graduates who have successfully completed Advance Placement courses, Dual Enrollment courses and On-line college courses from accredited colleges and universities. The University faculty testified that this decision belonged to the faculty and administration and not the legislature. The University administration testified that it was the role of the trustees to make these decision. The State Colleges testified that they are already doing everything required by the bill, but do not feel they should be required to do it by the legislature. No one disputed the benefits to Vermont students. At the very least the bill opened a discussion of working toward a more seamless K-16 educational system where student with ability and interest can participate in advanced learning opportunities while still in high school. I will continue to work within the legislature as well as with the University and State College Trustees and Administration to explore ways to make this happen.
Please let me know how you feel about these or other issues. I also invite you to come to Montpelier to see the legislative process in action. I can be reached during the week in Montpelier by calling toll free at the State House 1-800-322-5616, by E-mail at, or at my home answering machine at 849-6333.
Gary Gilbert
State Representative
Franklin 1