Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on March 23, 2005, 07:57:56 AM

Title: Mill Brook Activity -- Do You Hear Some Strange Sounds??
Post by: Henry on March 23, 2005, 07:57:56 AM
Hi All,

Well, I was driving down Main Street yesterday afternoon around 2:30 in the afternoon and as I approached the caution light, noticed a woman and a small child looking over in Mill Brook on the South side of the street.

Well, I grabbed my camera and trudged up to the site and saw this:


I recognized the excavating equipment as belonging to the Pigeon Brothers, Joey & Todd.  I then recognized the very nervous lady watching this as Cristy, Joey's wife and his little daughter.  She told me that a truck had just dumped a load of stone that can be seen on the right.  Although I am not sure just what they are doing, I am surmizing that they are shoring up the bank with stones to keep the bank near Gigi Beach's house (The Old Hazen Wilcox Place) from washing away.  I'm sure you all remember when the bank washed away on the other side of the river and the little house was left dangling over the brook.

An exerpt from the Selectboard Minutes might be an indication of what is going on here.  Bob Horr reported that Bob Ovitt, Joey Pigeon and Gigi Beach as well as himself signed a document agreeing to move forward with the riprap project. Gigi Beach gave a check for her 25% portion of the contracted amount of $13,722. Bob noted that the Water Resources Permit was on file in the town office.

I have cropped the above picture so you can get a closer look:

Joey is inside the equipment, Todd is squatting near the equipment and I am not sure who the other guy is.