Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on May 12, 2008, 10:43:20 AM

Title: Suspicious Car In The Area - Be On The Lookout
Post by: Henry on May 12, 2008, 10:43:20 AM
A suspicious car parked at the end of Michelle Rd., several times in the past couple of weeks; today at 8:30a.m. It was there again, A local individual decided to follow it.  When the driver saw them, he decided to go up Michelle Rd  As the person followed them up Michelle Road, they saw he was coming back down.  They took the license # and reported it to the Vt. State police, who informed them the license # does not match the vehicle description, which they said,  is not uncommon...  The license # they took down was ELS 593; it was a black new model Chevy (it has the same emblem on it as the PT cruiser).  They have emailed the sheriffs department with the specifics.
Also this weekend a fisherman in a black pick-up has torn down two posted signs down by the river.  This isn’t the first time that has happened, but the first time it actually be attributed to a specific person.  No license # this time but they will be watching for him to come back!

This may not be a big town, but the property crimes are mounting!  Two households on Michelle Rd have had problems with either thief, or someone ringing the door bell during the night, and then no one is there???   These Burglars’s better watch out as they have both since bought guns and are target practicing!
Title: Re: Suspicious Car In The Area - Be On The Lookout
Post by: Loctavious on May 12, 2008, 10:59:41 AM
I really have a probelm with folks leaving their dogs out all day while they're at work.  It may seem humane to not lock them up inside, but letting them out only to chain them up ( as is a town law - to have your dogs on leashes if they leave the yard) isn't the answer either.  I have neighbors that let their dogs out right when they get up - thus sometimes i'm awoken at 5:00 a.m to their dogs barking at something ( they've got a beagle mix so it's bark is like a hound howl)  I curse them out everytime i'm awoken by their dogs when it's outside the town-mandated quiet/courtesy times ( 10:00p.m. - 8:00a.m. )

BUT, in this case, i'd make an exception for a short period of time and back my neighbor leaving their dog out.  Especially if it's a pet trained to protect their property. 

Title: Re: Suspicious Car In The Area - Be On The Lookout
Post by: ohhman on May 12, 2008, 12:40:42 PM
Think they may have  some  chain saws or a new ATV winch in their possession?  Maybe an extra that they picked up from the Bellows' farm?  Reward is being offered!!!
Title: Re: Suspicious Car In The Area - Be On The Lookout
Post by: Mummy on May 12, 2008, 03:09:41 PM
I have noticed a light green ford explorer AND a white van traveling together about 6-times last week up and down my road.  I work from home and have a view of the road from two different angles.  This was very odd and caught my attention.  I did think about calling the police but I did not.  It is important for folks who are home to be visible in there neighborhoods either by observing or out side walking their dog.  It demonstrates that there is a RISK someone could, maybe see them doing something wrong.
Title: Re: Suspicious Car In The Area - Be On The Lookout
Post by: Loctavious on May 12, 2008, 03:24:29 PM
When idiots speed down my road or the ATV are doing wheely's while doing 60 mph , OR if there's just some sketchiness going on, i make it a point to make myself visable and noticeably interested in what's going on.  i Agree that when folks up to no good think they've been noticed - they tend to disappear - it's just crazy how some people think - that others will think it's normal for a car with a person parked in it is just sitting there.
Title: Re: Suspicious Car In The Area - Be On The Lookout
Post by: Chris Santee on May 12, 2008, 03:37:34 PM
Writing down details can help police catch crooks.
If you can't make out the plate, is it green ?
How many people, guys, girls ?
Any dents in vehicles ? Rust ?
What time were they in the neighborhood ?

Our memories fade quickly.
Details get blurry.
Write down details.

The police will gladly take your calls.
Franklin County Sheriff 524-2121
Vermont State Police 524-5993
Put these numbers on your fridge.

In emergency, call 911.

Title: Re: Suspicious Car In The Area - Be On The Lookout
Post by: Mummy on May 12, 2008, 03:50:12 PM
As far as the parked car goes .... your right there are many folks who just park and sit in the stranges spots.  Another good reason to own a Dog!  A barking dog does help significantly in this situations.