Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on May 19, 2008, 08:02:42 AM

Title: Historical Society Meeting Held At A Historical House
Post by: Henry on May 19, 2008, 08:02:42 AM
We had about 10 people show up yesterday for our Fairfax Historical Society Meeting.  Truly a wonderful setting to have our meeting.  It was at the Old Stone House on the border of Fairfax & Fletcher on The Fletcher Road.  Barb Duval was our host and gave us a short tour before the meeting.

The house dates back I believe to the late 1700s and you wouldn't believe the window sills.  They must be a couple of feet wide.  The outside wall of the house is all stone, thus the wide window sills.  The floors are enormous wide planks and the dining table is a long wooden table like you would see in movies in the old castles.

In the kitchen Barb has a Glenwood cook stove, converted to electricity.  Remarkable, the ingenuity someone used to do that.  This house has has all the modern conveniences, yet when you are there you feel you are in a house of years past.  Barb was truly a gracious host.  After a business meeting, we watched the DVD, Life in Franklin County and then watched the extra comments made by Doug Webb and Charlie Tinker.

I brought my camera with me, but never took it out of the case.  Sure wish I had and taken some photos of the converted kitchen stove, wide plank floors and the unique window sills.

Thanks Barb Duval for making this Fairfax Historical Society Meeting a very special one.