Maryann looked out the front picture window when she got up this morning and said, "What beautiful cows JR has." I then took a look and realized I hadn't noticed the beautiful bright green grass, the spring calves just not quite ready to get up and romp around and their truly beautiful clean, well kept mothers. In the back yard there is a field of 20 or more acres of corn just coming up. Now I know some of you look forward to retiring in the warm climate, but for me, I am just enjoying the wonderful things around me that during my working years I never had the time to "sit and smell the roses" so to speak. Maryann and I were no different than many of you are today, both leaving for work, sometimes not even on the same shift, until all the girls were through college. More fortunate than most, so far we have enjoyed nearly sixteen years of retirement, which is something I would truly wish for everyone.