Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 05, 2008, 07:47:13 AM

Title: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: Henry on August 05, 2008, 07:47:13 AM
Someone told me this morning when they went outside, it smelled like Fall.  Now this was a native Vermonter and even though this is only the 5th of August, come August 15th, you can definitely smell fall up in this neck of the woods.

Those of you with the above ground pools will be giving some serious thought to closing them up, if your family is anything like mine used to be.  They always hated to see the pools closed, but years of experience told me that once August 15th arrived with its cooler nights and the beginning of the new school year just around the corner - The pool was forgotten.

Now, I can't describe the smell of fall, but I can tell you it is there, even without looking at the calendar.

This has been an unusual summer with definitely plenty of rain.  No brown, burned lawns this year.  I know it is hard to think of fall, when most of us have not yet tasted that delicious juicy native tomato yet.  Although many of my fellow gardeners had tomatoes much earlier than I did, I always felt lucky if I had vine ripened tomatoes by August 10th.

Anyhow, any of you who stick your head outside early in the morning and get that nice refreshing smell - Yup!!!  That's the smell of fall.
Title: Re: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: Suzy on August 05, 2008, 09:47:57 AM
I can smell it all the way from Wyoming!  Nooooooooooooo!  I'm not ready, and quite frankly wish it was June again!  Enjoy it all while it lasts!
Title: Re: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: MikeF9 on August 05, 2008, 10:00:48 AM


Practices haven't started at school yet!
Summer school is still going on! OK, it ends Friday, but there's still two weeks before school starts. The school's not fully clean and ready yet!
I still have the State Firefighters convention this weekend.
The museum is open on Sundays through the end of the month, if I can remember to get someone to host it.
The Olympics start Friday. THE SUMMER ONES! NOT THE FALL ONES!

Pardon the temper tantrum. I just want to enjoy summer and all the things that go with it(working days) as loooooonnnng as I can.
Title: Re: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: Mike Raburn on August 05, 2008, 01:08:35 PM
Smell all you want but 2 weeks ago we had fresh snow on the back peaks around Anchorage, yes mid July.
We did have a few days in the 70's that took it away.

Our summer has really been chilly and setting records for the "coldest"

Last night down in Girdwood, Alaska, a 45 minute drive South, they had snow falling on the top peaks.

The snow really never left up top.
Title: Re: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: special ED on August 05, 2008, 01:22:04 PM
yep that global warming stuff really had me fooled
Title: Re: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: Suzy on August 06, 2008, 08:14:32 AM
I've been laughing for a day and a half already about MikeF9's comment (above)..."Stop Smelling for Things!"  So funny!

 And to Mike in Alaska..."I can't hear you!  I can't hear you!  Lalalalalalalal!"

(The geese are honking in the background as I type this...and stretching their wings....aaaaaaaargh!)
Title: Re: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: Henry on August 06, 2008, 08:26:28 AM
OK Mike,

I won't talk about smelling Fall, I will talk about smelling the Food Booths at The Champlain Valley Fair - Oh Shucks!!!  The Fair is in the Fall isn't it??
Title: Re: Do You Smell Fall??
Post by: MikeF9 on August 06, 2008, 11:53:29 AM
The Champlain Valley Fair usually signifies the end of summer.
But the weather the way it has been, summer technically goes into half of September.
Working for the school, summer begins right after graduation and ends with the first day of school.
But that's just me.