Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 07, 2008, 08:58:57 AM

Title: How Helpless One Must Feel As Rising Waters Take Over
Post by: Henry on August 07, 2008, 08:58:57 AM
I was watching the flood coverage on a couple of the news broadcasts last night and fortunately have never been where rising waters block you off from the rest of the world, or you see your home destroyed, but it certainly has to be a helpless feeling as there is nothing you can actually do, but back off and get out of the way and save yourself.

On one of the news casts, they showed a woman who had just bought her house 3 weeks ago.  She was in the process of moving in, when rising waters forced her to evacuate.  I have a link to one video below, but can't remember exactly what it contained, but road after road was completely washed out, a bridge was lifted up and will be out of use for a while.  Just an awful lot of disaster.

Some of our friends down South or in the Flat Lands don't think of 4 inches of rain as being very much, but with the hills and mountains we have around here, that water doesn't stay up there, it all settles in the streams and rivers down in the valleys.

Over the last 40 years, where I live, the worse thing that has happened to me in regards to flooding were three flooded cellars, which was nothing like what a lot of people have had to deal with over the past few weeks.  Those of us not hit by the rising waters, certainly can count our blessings.

Click on the link below to check out the Fox 44 Video - I believe you will also see another one you can play also when you click on this link:

http://www.fox44.net/global/video/popup/pop_player.asp?clipId1=2775022&at1=News&vt1=v&h1=Flood+Coverage&d1=63066&redirUrl=www.fox44.net&activePane=info&LaunchPageAdTag=homepage&clipFormat=&playerVersion=1&hostPageUrl=http%3A//www.fox44.net/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp%3FclipId1%3D2775022%26at1%3DNews%26vt1%3Dv%26h1%3DFlood+Coverage%26d1%3D63066%26redirUrl%3Dwww.fox44.net%26activePane%3Dinfo%26LaunchPageAdTag%3Dhomepage%26clipFormat%3D&rnd=16592566 (http://www.fox44.net/global/video/popup/pop_player.asp?clipId1=2775022&at1=News&vt1=v&h1=Flood+Coverage&d1=63066&redirUrl=www.fox44.net&activePane=info&LaunchPageAdTag=homepage&clipFormat=&playerVersion=1&hostPageUrl=http%3A//www.fox44.net/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp%3FclipId1%3D2775022%26at1%3DNews%26vt1%3Dv%26h1%3DFlood+Coverage%26d1%3D63066%26redirUrl%3Dwww.fox44.net%26activePane%3Dinfo%26LaunchPageAdTag%3Dhomepage%26clipFormat%3D&rnd=16592566)